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Cart #15314 | 2015-10-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

After upwards of 50 unfinished games and ideas over the years, Pico-8 has given me the constraints I needed to keep my overambition in check and release one into the world.

While the game is short and simple, it served more as a way to explore a style and tone for a potential future project. I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out (other than some sound effects problems that I'll fix eventually.)

Any feedback is welcome!



I love the style, great work! I.... Hmmm.... I feel you could have done something cool with the ending.... Like the -bleep- hunting you down, and you had to run back or something...


Cool. I like the atmosphere.

Well done!

Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it!


Amazing use of the Pico8 colours! I'm so impressed that people are able to use such a limited palette to make things that look so unique.


beautiful! reminds me a lot of Another World! <3


very interesting, simple to understand mechanic
tells a visual story and great use of sound to let you know somthing changed ofscreen.
hats off to you Parlor


Ideally I'd replace the guess-which-button-sequence mechanic with something more inventive.

Other than that, and in terms of visuals and tone, it's perfect.

EDIT: the droning soundtrack is quite a nice touch. I'd raise the pattern by a semitone every time a level was solved, adding to the sense of urgency, + progression towards some ultimate goal. Still good without that, though. Has a different (emotional) tone but I like it. :)


This is great, would love to see you go a bit deeper with this.


Damn, loved that, just the right amount of unsettling

Beautiful. Very well done.

lovely <3


I dig it. Cutting to black with the roar there works perfectly. Is there more to the story that you kept hidden?


Thanks for the kind words everyone!

@somnule: The setting is something that I hope to use and expand on in the future, but the story I wanted to tell here was just something simple that could stand alone. I'm glad you like it!

Oh my, this is /really/ good.


Lots of great stuff going on this. Full marks on the show-don't-tell test.

That sky colour really shows off the value of having cream over pure white in the palette.

@Parlor I uh cribbed your walk cycle a little 'cause wa;l cycles are hard.

If you hold down left+right at the same time you can moonwalk left off the first screen.


If you hold down left+right at the same time you can moonwalk left off the first screen.

Hahaha, you should leave this in, it looks super funny.


I almost added a Michael Jackson reference as an easter egg if you moonwalked off the edge. Now I wish I had!

that was both horrifying and amazing all at once.

This looks really great! The moment the game started, I thought about Prince of Persia. The ambience was really good, hope you can extend it and create more levels or alike.

Really great ambiance and art direction, can't wait to see where it goes.

OMG I did not expect what happened at the end.

I hope this is just part 1.



love it! Honestly gives me hope that I might finally be able to finish a game as well ^_^


Love it. I saw the ending coming (literally, from inside) which made it more unsettling.

This game could be on p8jam2 list ;-)

Just giving this a bump to say this STILL could be a longer game in the same vein :)

This is a great game that I feel deserves a second part.

Until the end, I thought it was just a battlefield, and... well... it was. Great twist, really wish it was a longer game and with puzzles other than "guess the button", but other than that, the visuals and theme are flawless. Good job.

The aesthetics of this game are top notch, love it!

o h o k

Beautifull art!


Nicely done. It is great even after 4 years!

Beautifully done. Please expand on this concept.

That was extremely unsettling.

beautiful art, worst ending ever could be improved in future

amazing! <3

noclip spoilers below

lol you can noclip

Reminds me greatly of OUT OF THIS WORLD for the SNES, @Parlor. Well done, gold star.


Like it a lot! Good in it's simplicity!

What a wonderful setting! However, I would have liked a little more variety in the music than just a single minor triad repeated throughout.



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