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Cart #16350 | 2015-11-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey, long time no see!

I've had this sitting on my hard drive for quite some time, but I don't have the time to work on it right now due to university work... Wasn't doing any good just sitting there (and other people are posting 3d stuff not), so here it is in its current state.

Z to drive, arrows to turn. Unfortunately that's it! No AI, ghosts or even checkpoints/laps at this stage. I got stuck on some integer overflow bugs, which you can still experience a little too easily... It might be finished one day, who knows! Just not soon. :(


I noticed that 8venture ( https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2247 ) uses an "unpack" function to define tables from strings, which frees up the code space for like, actual code, by making all tables take up only one token.

array = unpack("1,2,3,4,ideclarea,thumbwar")
table = unpack("x=1,y=2,z=-23.12,hello=there")

This is great, but it didn't support multidimensional arrays or tables! Considering half of We Missed You is literally a huge multidimensional table, a solution to this could greatly benefit more complicated projects, or just people who like doing everything in hilariously roundabout confusing ways. Now you can do things like thiss::

mission = unpack("x=1,y=3,type=0,ents={{x=56,y=76,props={sdir=0.5,scone=0.125,swing=0.12,rate=0.00869,t=0,rad=64},n=218,tfra=8,type=0,update=pvis},{x=104,y=42,props={sdir=0.25,scone=0.125,swing=0.25,rate=0.00869,t=0.5,rad=48},n=218,tfra=8,type=0,update=pvis}}")

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Cart #13021 | 2015-08-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

(LD page: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=7339)

It's your average day working in the postal service. What better time to go out on deliveries when everyone is at work?

With over 10 exciting deliveries and a few detours in a "HUUUGE" city, there's no telling what you'll experience while being basically the worst kind of monster humanity has to offer.

Make sure to drive as recklessly as possible, or the roads will become so safe that people will deliver their own packages!

If you manage to finish this "difficult" "challenge", post your score in the comments!

===== INSTRUCTIONS =====


Arrows: Move person/drive car
Z (PICO BUTTON 1): Start game
X (PICO BUTTON 2): Get in/out of car

Walk up to people's doorsteps to leave them a note. There are two types of vision you need to avoid:

  • Car Vision: People will come out of their house if they see your car within their vision cone. These are large, usually come from the house and appear dark red when your car is not in them.

  • Person Vision: Some people are waiting outside for you! Yikes! These people have BRIGHT RED vision cones all the time and will catch you if you are within them, car or not.

===== KNOWN BUGS =====

Completing a delivery and losing on the same frame skips the next delivery. Very rare and may crash the game.


Cart #10420 | 2015-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

P1: Arrows to move, action buttons to change height
P2: Same with p2 controls, but need to press P2 Action to enable split screen.

Just a quick demo, I'm going to try implementing simple spherical collision to see if I can make a reasonable racing game using the space available. Right now the engine uses half of the available code space, but a lot of this is actually the mat4 and vec3 functions, so it should be reusable for game logic. Some unnecessary things are even in there, like text drawing and sprite drawing.

Specific places that need improving are the clipping function (hilariously long lines) and maybe some optimisation on the tri filler (use memset?)

I have an obj converter script, but it doesn't have a frontend and things are quite complex to get the data into the cart... so I'll make a tool for this separate.


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