A small experiment on creating a simple faces generator made after stumbling on slynyrd's awesome pixel art tutorial.

How to
β¬οΈβ¬οΈ to chose a feature to change.
οΈβ‘οΈ to change feature value.
ΎοΈ to randomize all values.
β to switch between screen-saver and edit mode.
- added skin color setting

A simple example of an x-ray effect using bitplane masking.

Using bitplane have the advantage of having both values (skins and skeleton) in a single sprite, but you're quite limited in the number of available colors.
How it work :
There only one sprite in the sprite sheet, but as you can see, the palette have redundancy.

To be concise, by removing the first bitplane, we're essentially shifting all odd numbered colors to the even color right before them, so color 1 become color 0, color 3 become color 2 and so on.

A quick and dirty Sudoku solver, may or may not work.
Not sure if there any use-case for such a tool on PICO-8, but here it is.
β οΈ Looking a the source code may or may not induce permanent blindness β οΈ
Controls :
οΈβ‘οΈ : move the cursor.
β : select a cell/value.
[1οΈ-9οΈ] : fill cell with the corresponding digit if possible.
Pause : access menu.
- added a solve cell option.

Scraps Logic
Use logic circuits to resolve open-ended puzzle in a post-capitalist society.
How to play :
οΈβ‘οΈ or mouse to move the cursor.
β or left click to grab or drop a module or a cable:

β or left click on a socket to plug or unplug a cable :

π ΎοΈ or right click to remove the module or cable currently held :

You can access the tutorial at anytime during a puzzle using the pause menu.
Truth Table and Cheat Sheet :

AND : Output 1 if both inputs are 1.

Matrix code rain, fit in πΈΜΆπΊΜΆπΌΜΆ 161 characters.
2022-09-24 : Thanks to @shy help and insight on P8SCII Control Codes, managed to squeeze it in 161 characters (174 for tweeter).
Simple and fast faking of cables hanging between two points (made for another project).
Not physic base, it use Bézier curves to fake a lot of cables at once (±320 cables at 10 steps, @30fps)
- Right and left click to move last cable's start/end point.
- β to add a cable
- π ΎοΈ to remove a cable
- β‘οΈ to increase number of steps
- β¬ οΈ to decrease number of steps
- β¬οΈ or wheel-down to increase the dangling of the cables
- β¬οΈ or wheel-up to decrease the dangling of the cables
- pause menu to enable/disable debug view (show steps and controls points)
- fixed buttons UI typo
- added dangling control
- tweaked controls

Picoi-Koi is a PICO-8 implementation of koi-koi, a game played with hanafuda cards.

β to select/confirm
ΎοΈ to display all captured cards
Knowledge of koi-koi is obviously highly recommended to enjoy the game, but here a quick rundown of the rules :
An hanaduda deck contains 48 cards, 4 cards for each month :

Each round, you try to capture card by matching a card from your hand with a card from the table with the corresponding month, then you reveal the top card of the deck and try to match it in the same way.
Carlae is a itsy-bitsy snake in πΉΜΆπ½ΜΆπΌΜΆ 358 characters, named after the cute tetracheilostoma carlae, but tetracheilostoma was kind of a mouthful.
- shaved 18 characters

An HACK*MATCH demake

HACK*MATCH is a series of puzzle games by Zachtronics in the vein of the Magical Drop series of arcade games.
Its first appearance was as a mini-game in EXAPUNKS, then it came back as a standalone game on the NES and its last appearance was in Last Call BBS as a emulated arcade game.
The arcade version from Last Call BBS was quite addictive and I wanted to make a demake to play it on-the-go.
How to play :

A Dungeons & Diagrams demake.
Dungeons & Diagrams started as a pen & paper puzzle designed by Zach Barth, followed by a video game version in Last Call BBS.
It’s a nonogram/picross-like game where you fill a dungeon map according to the numbered clues and the monsters and chests’ positions.
![]() |
[29x11] |
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[12x9] |

Disconnecting then reconnecting a controller twice will break the controller support.
On handled devices it mean that PICO-8 will effectively lock the device if you put it it sleep mode twice in the same session.
I reproduced this behavior successfully on the windows, linux and raspberry pi versions.