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Cart #picodepon-2 | 2020-04-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


The classic 16-bit-era action puzzle game returns again -- enhanced and remastered. Pico de Pon brings favorite characters from across the PICO-8 library together for intense block-swapping battle.


Player I:
Arrow keys, move cursor
X (or M or V) key, swap blocks
Z (or N or C) key, manually raise stack

Player II:
E/S/D/F keys, move cursor
A (or Shift) key, swap blocks
Q (or Tab) key, manually raise stack

Swap blocks beneath the cursor. Horizontal or vertical runs of three or more matching block types are cleared. Swapping a block over an edge will cause it to fall.

The stack rises over time. The game ends when blocks reach the top of the stack. The rising of the stack is delayed while matched blocks are clearing.

Combos are triggered by clearing more than three blocks at once. Chains are triggered by matches caused by blocks falling due to cleared blocks below.

In SOLO mode, points are scored only from combos and chains. In VS mode, combos and chains send garbage blocks to your opponent’s stack.

Garbage blocks fall on the top of the stack. They can only be cleared by touching matches of other blocks. Garbage clears to standard blocks. Because these blocks stay suspended in air while converting, they provide an opportunity for counter attack by lining up matching blocks beneath to set up chains.

Special attack blocks [!] will send metal garbage even without a combo or chain. Metal garbage behaves like regular garbage but will not clear when touched by clearing regular garbage.


Made in collaboration with @stephan_gfx.

Music and Additional Sounds by @tesselode.

Thanks to the amazing members of the pico8 community who generously donated their inspiring characters to our little game!

From left to right, top to bottom on the character select screen:

Also thanks to the other folks who offered to let us use their characters! If we do an expansion cart we'll be back in touch!


Panel de Pon!

So great. Fantastic job!

I hate to say it, but this is much more polished than Tetris Attack for Pico and that game was pretty damn good too. Great job! :D


It's ok to say it -- I made that older version too. :)

I've been working on a 4-player version for Genesis/Megadrive but haven't been able to test further with four players due to current world events. As that version's mechanics are a lot more polished, I took the opportunity to port that back to PICO-8.

Superb work ! First class puzzle. Gold star for you, @stevelavietes

I come to the main menu in a browser to listen to the music while I work on my own carts in PICO-8.. It's that good : p

This is sooo good!

I used to play Pokémon Puzzle Challenge on my Game Boy literally all the time. Also funny that only a few months ago I found an actual cartridge at a Japanese retro gaming store. I loved it so much.

Awesome work and thanks for bringing back memories :D

This is super fun! Thanks for sharing it.

very good. a fine recreation of tetris attack/puzzle leauge/panel de pon or whatever the name is.

I got 303 on easy.


A 1-4 player version is available (as Doubles de Pon) with the latest release of the quadplay fantasy console.


I love Panel de Pon! This plays really well.

very nice work dude !!!



That's nice, but It needs story mode

I just want to say I made an account just to congratulate you on this. I love Tetris Attack and this is amazing, well made and now I can play Panel de Pon on browser easily.
You made my day, you're my hero.

i'm surprised you that bejamin_soule wasn't in this game

got 91 with speed of 58 at medium! awesome game!

If the title is meant to reference Panel de Pon, I'd revise the Japanese title as: PICOでポン

  1. 'de' in Hiragana because it's a grammatical particle.
  2. 'PICO-8' is spelled in Romaji in the manual. If you'd still like to use Katakana, the word is ピコ, both short vowels.


My score is 127! I dare you to try and beat me...


love it. Panel de pon is probably the most dangerously addictive puzzle game ever created.

The original for the SNES is one of my all time favorite puzzle games so seeing it here was a real treat!

Man, I played Tetris Attack on a demo SNES at an electronics store when it first came out in 1996 and I was 13. Begged my dad to buy it, he did, and I was HOOKED. I played it so much as a kid. My friends and I even got really into it in college playing vs mode. Still love it! Thanks so much for making it. Just got a 257 on my first go on medium.

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