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Cart #starjump-0 | 2021-03-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You are a star that jumps (video gaming).

Soundtrack: youtube.com/watch?v=qi2jSi0W4JM

Move: arrows or ESDF
Jump: Z/X/N/M

Addition options in menu (P/Enter):

  • Adjust wobble intensity
  • Show timer
  • Skip screen
  • Reset progress

Big thanks to friends and twitter pals for the testing, support and feedback <3



That was really cool! A nice progression of game mechanics that really mesh well together, combined with an art style that rules. I was really surprised by how much more natural the EDSF controls were for me, but I guess that's to be expected considering the large amount of time I've spent using WASD controls.


Love the graphics. Fun game. Even the dither for spatial is a nice touch.


What a lovely little game. The aesthetics and level design are really well made. Nice work!


pretty fun i'm gonna try speedruning it


i spent a while thinking this was a sidescroller and then i figured out that it's a top-down view


I really enjoyed this, the platforming was wonderfully tight and the ramp up in challenge was perfect. The music was a lovely accompaniment too! Up with this sort of thing.


Idunno how, but the game saves, so thats cool


Loved it! Didn't expect it to be so good.


great game


The sound track mixed with the gameplayu is sooo good


got back to the begining :)

question. Can you go back to the begining with the colour switched


i'm a sucker for anything with vector graphics. great gameplay too!


I loved it! The room with the waves of disappearing platforms was the hardest part for me. And I loved all the cool mechanics you included! Thank you so much for sharing. This helped me get through a boring meeting haha.


the part with the red balloons or cannons are very donkey kong country inspired i love it lol

jarsh finx






The aesthetics, sound effects, and soundtrack are lovely, and some of the mechanics were pretty interesting too. I thought the interactions of the breakable platforms with the red balloons was a neat wrinkle, as were the togglable floor/walls.

I did have a few issues tho:

  • Something about the timing of the breakable platform spawners was very frustrating for me; it seemed like some of them just didn't have an optimal pattern at all (especially the 4 columns one, and to a lesser extent the one with 3 rotating spawners). Having the emitters blink or pulse right before spawning one might help a little since it would give a clear visual tell to time your actions from.
  • I also kept getting tripped up by the fact you can only autojump on breakable platforms - I feel like it's confusing to have to press the button each time you want to jump from a white platform but can hold it down to jump continuously from the breakable ones, and it messes with the gameplay flow a little every time you have to switch between them. I'd greatly prefer being able to hold the button down to continually jump from any surface.


What a weird game. Love it!


Love this game.


This is great, such a cool look and plays well. Customizable wobble is fun. Soundtrack is very nice, I wish it were on eg. Bandcamp! (And thanks for introducing me to SunVox.)


@touk Thank you! Hope you enjoy SunVox too!

I just put the soundtrack on Bandcamp :) https://lucatron.bandcamp.com/releases


Awesome, I've bookmarked that for the next Bandcamp Friday.


Simple, efficient, and the mechanics getting all together are really cool. I only noticed at the end that there is a double and even a triple jump! I did all the game with a simple jump lol


Simple but so satisfiying ! Mechanics are surprising and pretty good.


Love this game. Didn't know what to expect going in, I really like the difficulty curve in this, lots of precision platformers just go far too hard too soon. The art style is really cool, I appreciated being able to adjust the wobble effect, the default wobble was a bit too much for me. The soundtrack was great too, I haven't played any other Pico-8 games that had 'external' soundtracks, but it really fit well for the game. Great stuff. :)

Breaking news!: Local star(fish?) is jumping around like a rabbit, the reason? We do not know.


Hi, just wanted to say that I really love this game and I look forward to your future work :)

at the last cannon if you jump before the credits roll you kinda get a double jump, still cool tho.

you ruined my life by making the pink platform, im gonna follow this guy.

Looks good! (Except when wobble off)

really addictive, lots of fun

This is awesome, I feel like the only thing it's really missing is some sort of scoring mechanic. Number of lives used, stages passed, etc. Great game, very addictive. Also, I shot you a message on Twitter (Arcade Legend), check it out if you have a chance!

i am devilishly evil. 3 minutes. (totally not a glitch) (skill)


i beat the wwhole game then accidentaly pressed the jump button twice and realised, that there was a double jump!

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