Kelp on Mars
Survive 1 week harvesting [kelp][] on Mars while providing for your hungry Martian family by collecting the long light green tips of the kelp and fixing the kelp harvesting nets with the darker green kelp "blades" . You need 40 tips a day to nourish your family and 10 blades of kelp to repair each broken net—and if you break all three nets in a day that's the end of your run. What you don't use on one day rolls over into the next.
Tend well to your farm—what you harvest one day will be reflected in the next. A sprout, a short light green tip, will grow into a tip on the following day but if you harvest the [holdfast][] the kelp won't grow again.

Some Rain
Watch rain drops fall and splash at the bottom of the screen to the susurrating sound of rain falling.
No controls or interaction—just some rain.
The sound can be toggled in the pause menu as can the wind effect.
What started as a quick experiment with particles turned into a little simulation which is more little than simulation.
This cart was originally called "Just Rain" but I appear to have subconsciously copied that from the existing, and rather wonderful, Just Rain by ROBYSOFT. So now it is called "Some Rain".

Tephra Toil
As a vulcanologist of the future you have an advaned system for scanning tephra as it is thrown from the volcano.
In order to complete your research you must scan all the types of tephra and escape the volcano with your precious research.
- Movement — ⬅️ ➡️
- Dive — ⬇️ (for fun!)
- Start / restart at game over — ❎ / X
Get close to the rising tephra in order to scan it, the more you scan the closer you get to completing your research and furthering humanity's understanding of hot flying rock.
Game Jam
This is an entry for the sixteenth Eggplant Community Game Jam #16 where the theme is "Falling Deep".

Mixed Allegories
You are deep within Plato's allegorical cave where the forms have been found - it's your mission to retrieve them and establish Kallipolis.
Grab the forms with your claw by pressing ❎ when they are in reach.
Pass through fuel rings to top up your rapidly depleting fuel and avoid the dangers of the cave.
- Movement — ⬅️ ➡️
- Grab / Start — ❎ / X
Game Jam
This is an entry for the third Eggplant Community Game Jam #3 where the theme is "Keep it short". The source for the cart can be be found in this pico8-carts repo.
Go fast deliver things
In a world where delivery is plentiful and the times are good the workers, that is the robots, are thinking that perhaps things could be better. While performing deliveries on time you also have an opportunity to make change in the world, the choice is yours, deliverer.
- Movement — ⬅️ ➡️
- Jump / Start / Retry — ❎ / X
Your current deliveries are listed in the top left, you need to visit those house numbers to make each delivery.
Game Jam
This is an entry for the second [Eggplant Community Game Jam #2][] where the theme is "Good Times with Bad Robots". The source for the cart can be be found in this
Void Seeker
You wish to become one with the void, but you're running out of time—you need to fall through the gaps on each floor and make it to the void before it closes. The deeper you go the sooner the void closes and the path becomes more challenging, but fortunately you'll have some power ups along the way. The goal of the game is to get to the deepest level as the void has no end.
⬅️➡️ - Movement
❎ - Jump/Start/retry
- The void is rife with randomness—no two levels are the same!
- Spiffy sound effects, they'll never get old
- High score tracking, your PB is displayed on the start screen
- Normal (grey) — Fall at regular speed
- Fast (green) — Fall fast then move
- Slow (purple) — Fall slow then move slow, less so if you jump in
When falling from one gap if you go through another that will speed your fall and give you a speed boost on landing!
- Key — Get all the keys on the floor to unlock the gaps
- Time extend — The void lingers a little longer
Power ups
As you wish to travel light you can only hold one power–up a time, but fortunately they aren't uncommon in your journey.
- Warp — Walls lose all meaning
- Grav Belt — More jumps and improved slow descents
- Speed shoes — Move faster, stop slower
- Launcher — Gives you boost … back up a floor
- Bouncer — Gives you a little push
Game Jam
This is an entry for the inaugural