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Cart #24636 | 2016-07-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Design, coding: @AshleyPringle
Music: @Pizzamakesgames
Thanks to @XenoNS and @TRASEVOL_DOG for their invaluable help with playtesting!

Cart #18664 | 2016-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #14978 | 2015-10-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


All Comments

This seems really cool and I'm terrible at it. :)

yeah, very cool! but perhaps too hard, i made it to the first staircase =)

When I made it to the central-ish structure where I could go 'behind' the raised structures, I was like YESSSS. Very neat. Maybe some checkpoints would be good?

I like the idea, even if its hard. The tricky visual doesnt make it easy to see where you can go, so checkpoints would make trial and error less frustrating.

Great! But too difficult.

This is a sweet idea, but there isn't an objective, sadly.

I'd say to scale the gameplay about 2x, then it would probably be a little easier.
If you don't want to scale it, though, that's fine ;)

Oh wow, thanks for the comments everyone!

I definitely plan on putting gin checkpoints, once I am finished the level design. It is going to be a very dense level with a lot of options for creative routes and whatnot.

It is going to be a very difficult game, but the checkpoints will make it less frustrating.

Thanks for all the feedback! It is very helpful!

I love it! It's so tiny and cute! squee Perhaps making different heights be different colors would be helpful though, it can be a bit hard to tell if two platforms are on the same level. Also, there's a tiny bug where it will make the death sound even when you don't die.

EDIT: It'd also be awesome if you could rotate the view by 90º like how Crates 3D does it: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/214/21464.html

This is really cool, really nice idea. I agree that you need some way to tell what things are higher/lower. At the moment it can be hard to tell if you need to jump sideways or up.

That and an actual goal maybe? :)

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! They have been very helpful.

I am fine tuning the terrain to avoid (most) of the confusion about the height and position of platforms. I've also fine tuned the controls a lot, so it is not as easy to go flying off edges and whatnot.

There will definitely be checkpoints and an objective implemented once the map design is done, which is coming along very well I think!

I'll upload a new build when the checkpoints are implemented.

Thanks again!

Updated to version 1.0 :)

Why'd you slow down moving? It makes the game feel sluggish. Otherwise, awesome!

Jeez, man, this is pretty hard now!
Good aesthetics, though.

it is kind of hard to aim the landing but it is a good game! I think I got used to the easy parkour in Assassin's Creed.

I couldn't beat it, but it was a lot of fun jumping around!

I'm kinda confused...
Do I have to own PICO-8 to play these?
If that's the case I've gotta wait for a little bit.

FoobyDude: Nope, you can play them right on the web. If you click the big PLAY button, a pico-8 webplayer will pop open right on the page, and you can play it there. You only need to own PICO-8 if you want to make your own or run it offline.

Must not work on Firefox then.

Yeah thats it

I like this game, but my main peeve with it is how your character can exist on sub-pixel coordinate values but is (obviously) always displayed rounded to the nearest pixel. How close am I to the edge? Do I need to be a fraction of a pixel closer to make this jump? How do you guage such a thing?

If I may suggest a solution, you ought to have the player gravitate towards the center of the pixel they're on if they stand still for X amount of time without pushing a direction.

Thanks for the feedback Connorses! You're partially right, it does work on fractional numbers, but only when you're holding the jump button. Moving without the jump button is done in whole numbers on a timer. As soon as you stop moving the timer resets and your x y position is rounded down to whole numbers.

I think the feeling of sub-pixel movement is two things:
1) Pico8 only has a floor function, no round function, so when you're not moving your position is rounded down no matter what. At some point I may see if I can change this.
2) The timer uses a modulo, which can be off by a frame depending on what the timer is at when you press a movement button. This one is a bit harder to fix, but I may do it at some point.

Thanks again!

not sure if that helps here, but flr(x+0.5) will round you to the nearest integer.

Ah, good call! Clever, I hadn't thought of that for some reason haha

This is a great idea I'd love to see where you go with it. As others have mentioned, it is very hard but I'm ok with that. I agree that checkpoints or pickups would help it feel more rewarding even when you do fail. Excellent work so far!

I honestly don't understand why basic stuff like this isn't built in:

function cei(x) return flr(x+0x.ffff)
function rou(x) return flr(x+.5)

I get having a limited API, but it's just makework to leave those out, especially when they could be intrinsics that don't incur call overhead.

I'm glad this isn't just a one-screen game after all. You got my approval at those moving floors, this is really nice. :3

Thanks for the comments everyone! Good to see people enjoying it :)

Felice, I also find it a bit odd that there's no ceil function, especially since lua has math.ceil! Although I'm sure there is a good reason why zep left it out.

Isn't ceil just flr+1?

It looks to me like we get given just enough to get by, no more no less :)

The game is really hard, but rewarding to complete. Very easy to slip off a ledge.

@springogeek: nope. for instance, ceil(42)->42
hence the use of 0x.ffff, biggest number < 1.0

Oh true, I'd forgotten the whole number case. Even so, my point stands.

if your point is that those functions are not needed anyway, you just proved yourself wrong. had you needed a ceil(), you were wrongly going for flr+1. arnodick needed a round() but got stuck on the floor(). those functions are -very- basic, but not that easy or fun to write by yourself. more so if you're a beginner.
now if you're really into api minimalism, cos(x) is just sin(x+.25), flr is just band(x,0xffff).
bottom line, floor,ceil,round, like cos,sin,atan2, should always come in a bundle.
also, tokens ;)

My point wasn't that they aren't needed, because people obviously do need them, but that we could get by without them if we had to, which is in line with the principles behind PICO's API design, from my observation.

Using up additional tokens does suck however.

this isnt really part of this discussion going on here but i liked how the player's color scheme changes when they die. that attention to detail did not go unnoticed

i loved this game thank you to make this amazing game

The gameplay is so funny. I really like this game

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