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Good job breaking it. Now we can't do that if we want to.

Mystery Science Thread #2

I made it inside!

Do I get a prize?

This means that I'm Magic!


Lol how did I get in here!

ha, nice trick

So..... divided by zero uh?

I was hoping to find PICO-8 0.1.2!

You did not make a choice, or follow any direction, but now, somehow, you are descending into space -- approaching a great, glistening sphere. It is Ultima -- the planet of paradise.

what have you done??

Ivoah what the hell did you do again ._.

Well, I was trying to delete a post, and wanted to see if it'd accept a post with absolutely nothing, I guess it does.


Does posting here make me cool, too?

sekrit thread!

oooooooo. what is this voodoo

nice :)

I found a way in, now how do I get out?

There is no escape

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