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Hi to all!
I've been in love with Pico8 and the whole idea of fantasy consoles for over a year now.

Today I'd like to introduce my take at fantasy console: tako80

I've been working on it for months. I just launched the site at http://tako80.net where you can read about it and find the documentation, if you happen to be interested!

In tako80 the coding is done in Javascript and its carts run on the web. I guess it might be all a bit rough at the moment (I just finished setting up the forum but I haven't tested it thoroughly, yet! :)

To promote tako80, I launched the first TakoJam. You can read about it here http://tako80.net/takojam.

The first prize is $100. I will eventually reward a second and a third prize of $50 and $20.

If you are interested, just drop me a line! Thanks :)


Since PICO-8's sin(), cos() and atan2() are not the standard functions, how to implement them in another language? Some pseudocode would be ok, I'm aiming javascript by the way.

I looked into PicoLove's code as an example, but the results are different. For example in PICO-8:

print(sin(0)) -- 0
print(sin(0.5)) -- 0
print(sin(0.25)) -- -1
print(sin(-3)) -- 0
print(sin(-0.45)) -- 0.309
print(sin(78.4)) -- 0.5877

The PicoLove code remaps sin() to:

sin = function(x) return math.sin(-(x or 0)*(math.pi*2)) end

that in javascript is:

window.sinp8 = function (x) { return Math.sin(-(x || 0) * (Math.PI * 2)); };

Now, the results are very different:

    console.log(sinp8(0));     // -0 
    console.log(sinp8(0.5));   // -1.2246467991473532e-16 
    console.log(sinp8(0.25));  // -1 
    console.log(sinp8(-3));    // -7.347880794884119e-16 
    console.log(sinp8(-0.45)); // 0.3090169943749475 
    console.log(sinp8(78.4));  // 0.5877852522924427 

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Can anybody explain to me the difference between "change color at draw time" and "change color at display time"? If I, for example, set red to green and than I draw a sprite, its reds are drawn as greens. If I set it to change at display time, the effect is the same. What's the difference between the two modes?


I'm trying to port to PICO-8 a version of the classic old-school plasma effect I have done in javascript.

This is the code so far

I have the major problem that due to pico limitations, all those sin, cos and sqrt just freeze it. If you don't try to fill up the whole screen (for example,

for y=1,10

instead of

for y=1,127

it mostly works.

Any idea on how to improve in this?


I got Pico8 today, I've just started toying around with it briefly and I'm having fun exploring other people's games and reading the forum. Incredible software!

One thing that I've noticed is that there are already various projects stuck because they hit the token limit (eg Underworld Siege or Kingslayer). Now, as a very young console not yet out of the alpha phase, I believe that no one has spent months on a single game and that a lot of things are still to be discovered and boundaries are to be pushed. Yet people hitting the (arbitrary) token limit is not very promising. For example, one of the two games quoted above is a LudumDare game. If someone can reach this limit in a one-week game competition, how can a project grow to a polished, full-featured game? I'm scared that this would prevent some kind of games (RPGs or adventures, for example) to be developed for Pic8, effectively making it less flexible that it could be.