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tiny terrarium
Paper Dalsei: Fluffy Fashion
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Cart #tinyterrarium-0 | 2023-03-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is a falling sand game! it's essentially a remake of one i've posted before, but completely rewritten to be performant with the latest version of pico-8. it also has a lot more features. feel free to experiment! it's also posted on itch and you can find its source code, which is released to the public domain, on github.


on the simulation screen:

  • ⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️: move
  • 🅾️: draw
  • ❎: erase
  • Pause: options

on the options screen:

  • ⬆️⬇️: move between options
  • ⬅️➡️: change option
  • 🅾️❎: return to simulation
  • Pause: pico-8 menu
P#126459 2023-03-01 06:53

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i'm not managing to get the music player to play music, and all the controls also seem to be doing nothing. see this post for an example:


i also checked with more recent posts that use the music player. i tried both latest firefox and chromium on linux mint 20.3. i don't have the tab muted, and other applications as well as other sites and the cart player still play sound

P#116471 2022-08-29 06:56

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i've been running into some strange errors involving a project using #include while running it on windows instead of my usual linux environment. i've isolated the problem to line ending convention: an external file that uses the windows CrLf convention, but is otherwise the same as a file that works with no problems, will cause errors. here is the text of the external file i used:

local function _draw()

to see the problem, save this with an external text editor using windows line ending convention (wordpad works, as do many programmer text editors) and use #include to include it in a cart.

P#73920 2020-03-14 18:08

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for example, when i have these files in my working directory:

tiny terrarium.lua
tiny terrarium.p8

and i enter "load t" and then press tab, it completes to "load tiny terrarium.", as it should, but then even if i type "p" and then press tab, it will not complete to "load tiny terrarium.p8". i tested various variations of partial entries of the file names, and they seem to work as long as the space hasn't been entered yet, and fail as long as it has been.

(also, inline code snippets on the bbs don't seem to work as advertised? i couldn't get them to format this post properly. they insisted on making full code blocks every time)

P#73298 2020-02-20 20:39

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i somehow accidentally turned on an fps counter and thought the manual would say how to turn it back off, but it doesn't seem to. it would be nice if the manual documented this and any other potentially undocumented shortcuts

(i managed to get it to turn off by closing and relaunching pico-8)

P#63320 2019-04-07 20:39

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i just redownloaded voxatron after hearing about the latest update, but now i get this error message logged to the console on startup:

vox: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by vox)

it seems like it's asking me to update a core system file, but my packages are up to date and for unrelated reasons it's impractical for me to change os or os version. i'm using linux mint 18.

is there anything else that can be done?

P#61220 2019-01-26 06:46

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Cart #paperdalseifluffyfashion-2 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is a deltarune paper doll fangame made by me and my brother, CrossroadsWanderer ( @XroadsWanderer)! we started out making a paper doll game unrelated to deltarune, but when we played deltarune together, we became enamored with ralsei, and decided to make it a ralsei dressup game instead. we made this for ourselves, but i hope others will find it enjoyable!


z/okay: wear
x/cancel: take off
left and right: scroll through items
some options are found on the enter/pause menu


  • the designs of ralsei and his default outfit are from deltarune
  • the designs of the hidden items are from deltarune and undertale
  • the music composition, "friendship" (which can be found on bandcamp), is from deltarune

everything else was done by us. this includes:

  • game design
  • pixel art (including our renditions of the aforementioned preexisting designs)
  • coding
  • music arrangement

edit on june 28 2021: fixed a wrong note in the bgm (it's about time i remembered to upload this XD)

edit on february 5 2022: content update! plus we did a couple of qol and bugfixes. enjoy!

P#61080 2019-01-22 01:31 ( Edited 2022-02-06 01:58)

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i'm trying to allow players to choose between two different versions of the same sprite without having both on the sprite sheet. at the same time, my game has a day/night cycle that modifies colors as seen in this gif:

i want to largely work out the how for myself, at least at first for the sake of learning, but first wanted to check that i'm not missing something:

is it possible to have both these per-sprite palette swaps and the day/night swaps just with appropriately placed pal calls, or would i need to do something a little more manual?

i'm aware of the difference between remap-on-draw and remap-on-display; also note that there's ui whose colors must not change with the time palette, which would seem to rule out using remap-on-display, unless i'm just missing something.

edit: just to clarify, please do not post full solutions. i'm okay with hints in the form of nudges in the right direction though.

P#49633 2018-02-24 23:09 ( Edited 2018-02-25 04:40)

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this is my submission for GAMES MADE QUICK???. it also has an itch.io page. here is the description quoted from there:

"hi. this is a toy i made. it has no real ending, but feel free to try speedrunning it anyway if you wish.

as there's no sound, please provide your own ambience, relaxing or otherwise.

you may encounter bugs. the bugs are intentional and cannot be destroyed. good luck."

Cart #35778 | 2017-01-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

P#35779 2017-01-15 12:22 ( Edited 2023-02-26 08:28)

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i thought i'd give an early preview of the falling sand game i'm working on:

Cart #25687 | 2016-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

there's not much to it yet; the only kinds of particles are air, soil, and sand, but i plan to add more and also have some more optimizations in mind. it took some work and a bit of luck to get to this point :)


(while not holding o)
up/down/left/right: move cursor
x: place atom

(while holding o)
up/down: select setting
left/right: change setting

edit: shoot, does this web player also have bugs re: _update60? i'll try to alter the cart to make it work

edit: okay, seems fixed

P#25684 2016-07-21 15:36 ( Edited 2023-03-01 06:47)

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is there a non-stylistic reason that it's useful to define _init? i haven't been able to discern any practical difference between defining things in _init and defining things outside of _init other than that the former gives you slightly more flexibility in ordering your source code.

P#24657 2016-07-05 18:36 ( Edited 2016-07-11 19:52)

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copying or cutting a line that contains a button glyph, then pasting it, will result in spaces in place of the glyph.

P#23639 2016-06-25 20:01 ( Edited 2016-06-26 00:06)

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certain characters are not rendered correctly, such as × (multiplication cross), áéíóú (accented vowels), and quite probably others.

i checked the bbs's html and didn't see it declaring an encoding. this might be solvable with a simple <meta charset="utf-8"> although i'm not sure if anything else is awry.

P#23634 2016-06-25 19:22 ( Edited 2016-06-26 00:02)