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Cart #picodriller-0 | 2020-05-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Pico Driller

Welcome to Picotown, a city like any other until big blocks started to pop out of the earth right into the middle of the city! The picopeople need you: Pico Driller!

Falling blocks that could squish you anytime? Small capsules of air underground? Ever-present danger? Prepare to drill your way and save the day!


  • Arrow keys to move and navigate menus.
  • X/Z to drill in current direction.


  • Drill as deep as you can, but don't get crushed!
  • Air consumption increases the deeper you go, make sure to refill in time!
  • X-blocks take 5 drills to destroy AND 20% of your air. Beware!

A PICO-8 demake of the NAMCO classic!
Art+Audio: Johan Vinet ( @johanvinet)
Code: Johan Peitz (@johanpeitz)

Also playable on itch.io: https://canarigames.itch.io/picodriller


🙌🙌 👏😁 🙌🙌




Great and cute game <3


So addicting. Great job!


This is such a gread demake! And it plays very well :)


Hey all, super happy that this is so well received! Johan and I had such a blast making it and nothing is better than other people enjoying it too. Thanks for letting us know!

So much polish

What does "FUTURE VERSION: 239" mean? It's stopping it working.


This is such a lovely production. A+ am drilling a bit every day.

Bug report: after 18 minutes (32767/(30*60)), tick overflows to -0x8000, and the game starts running slow because of

local steps=max(0,15-flr(tick/1.5))
pal_shift(steps, dark_pal)

Possible fix: resetting ticks each game.
I guess there might be a bunch of carts now that do something funky after 18 (or 9) minutes!

@BlinkyMcGoo it means the cart was made in a newer version of PICO-8 that is incompatible with the version you have. You can fix it by updating.


Thanks again!

@zep - I have a feeling all my games suffer from this. :)


Great game here, really close to the original. I love the cute graphics and the music. I've made a video review to show my appreciation:

Hey @extar,
thanks for the video, nice play throughs! Afaik no one made it to 5000 yet. :o

Ah that explains why the game becomes slow!

BTW I have now played the GBC version (cleared 500m after a week thanks to training in the pico8 version!) and I am impressed by the fidelity of your game. One exception is that your music is better!

Oh hey, this is some pretty cool air.
Muffled screeches

I'm playing it too much, thank you I'm happy

Really love this one!

Congratulations for such a great game!

Great game! One problem that I found is when you go down too fast and too many blocks start to fall off screen the game lags and all UI disappears. I was playing arcade on intermediate at around 200-300 M when this happened

This is really well made

This is an excellent, excellent game! I like it so much, I had to make a video about it. :)


Just how deep is this cake anyways ? :)

Nice drilling game, lovely animation and graphics. Polished presentation. Definitely gold star work, @johanp.

Quite satisfying... :)

Really fun game! I prefer this over the namco one!

This is super cute. Feels good to play too

Wonderful Game!! Love the mechanics and the graphics are amazing! There is a real state of flow in marathon mode when you speed run it and the speed saves you from the falling blocks. Zen mode. I love it.

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