I've got Pico-8 running nicely on my Raspberry Pi through Retropie/Emulation Station now, but there's one minor annoyance.
It's a bit of a faff to have to reach over to the keyboard to hit Ctrl-R to start a game or Windows+Q to exit back to ES. It'd be really handy to be able to map those commands to a couple of the spare buttons on my arcade stick.
I see there's a file called sdl_controllers.txt, containing the text // add SDL2 game controller mappings to this file, but that's ALL it says. There are no clues as to what it wants that file to contain in order to map anything. config.txt also includes these lines:
// Custom keyboard scancodes for buttons. player0 0..6, player1 0..5
button_keys 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
but again, heaven knows what that means. KEYCONFIG is no good, it only lets you redefine the two Pico controller action buttons, not the other ones on my arcade stick.
Can anyone help?
Does anyone actually have this working? If so, can you just tell us in simple language what we need and where? This much-linked "tutorial" is completely incomprehensible to normal people https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3935 and none of the others I've found are any better.
Here's where I'm at so far:
I've copied the pico-8 folder you get into /home/pi, since after much searching I eventually figured out that's where it was meant to go.
I've got a file in that /home/pi/pico-8 folder called +Start PICO-8.sh, whose contents are this:
#!/bin/bash pushd "/home/pi/pico-8" ./pico8 -splore popd |
I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, I just copied and pasted it from some of the various gibberish tutorials.
I've added the following to es_systems.cfg:
<system> <name>pico8</name> <fullname>PICO-8</fullname> <path>/home/pi/pico-8</path> [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=70240#p) |