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Cart #42744 | 2017-07-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #42720 | 2017-07-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #42445 | 2017-07-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

So after a while of not making any games, PICO-8 has made me productive again! Here's a little arcade game called NETTY. Should be pretty easy to understand, but there's more detailed instructions on the itch page: https://tesselode.itch.io/netty

I'm planning on adding a couple things in future updates. Let me know what you think?



oh yeah and post your high scores, of course!

The gameplay feels really good! Nice work!

thank you!

really fun! Good gameplay. 5200 on my first run (probably not so good, lol)

Love your game! High score is 16000 but want to improve further!

19100 on my first attempt, this is a very coolio game! OUO I like the grid's deformation whenever a certain powerup is picked up and the game's menu music sounds awesome~

thanks! i'm proud of the grid ^^

and i'm glad people are liking the music, i was unsure about that

Ha! "Great minds, think alike..." (link) :D

Really well done - love the gfx and effects.
Like the idea of random power-ups - everyone loves surprises!

Congrats! :D

NETTY V2 is out!

  • New game modes: CEREBRAL and SENSORY
  • Alternate color palettes
  • Various other tweaks, like the bouncy rolling score counter ^^

An elegant concept and a very satisfying feel to it. Great work! My high score is 28400 in reflexive mode.

nice, that's a good score!

This is nice :) I especially like the trade-offs you make: do I spend extra time getting a combo multiplier on the green thingy, or do I go there as quickly as possible to get extra gems and increase my score that way?

My highscores thus far is 22500 on reflexive.

Also, nicely polished. All in all good job! :D

thank you! I also really like that strategic aspect. I usually prioritize getting the green gems if I have a big chain built up. ^^

OH WOW :D I had this ultimate combination of a black hole when I already had a lot of gems and green things flying about, and I scored 55400 in total because of the combo multiplier! Don't think I can improve on that. :P

There did seem to be something strange with the highscore though, my previous highscore was that 22500, but at the ending screen it changed 'previous highscore' to 55300 and now when playing a new game it says my previous highest score was 55300, but I definitely scored 55400.

55400 Woop woop ^^

hm, I have had a bug like that on a couple occasions. not sure if it's a bug with the in-game score display or the actual score tracking. i should track that down, but i don't even know where to start....

I really like this, saw it on the itch.io hurricane relief bundle today.


nice work!

Well this is only the COOLEST SHIT EVER!

First time playing it here just now, Through the browser including brief time to get used to mechanics: 6800.

Extremely awesome mechanics that are fluid and easy to pickup without RTFM, The title screen and the text for both it AND the instructionals at the bottom were amazingly well done, Transitions between title game etc were a nice touch.. It really felt like it had that full 80s arcade experience. It reminded me in quite a lot of ways to that old "Cleaning bubble" arcade game where you polished a sink, Picking up lil' bits and bobs.

This is going on my PocketCHIP tomorrow :D

thank you!~

i'm glad you like the text, i was going for a janky, badly translated arcade copy vibe :P

Reminds me a bit of, "Astro Robo Sasa."


Yours is far more challenging in that you must select the level of thrust before you use it.

nicely done !

6100, and that was really cool, thank you for sharing. :)

kinda want to make a Netty DX

idk if it's been long enough though


My current high scores are:

CEREBRAL: 109300

My tips for others looking for those high scores...

BLACK HOLES! Even in timed mode, hanging around the location a black hole was is far higher scoring opportunity while the jewels float to you than to go seek out more jewels. In Cereberal, you can wait forever and should, even if it gets 'boring' just to get one more jewel that can score upwards of 2000 points. This is far more valuable than shooting again and getting 3 jewels that total 100+200+300 pts.

Also, if there's EVER green items, go for them specifically in the most strategic way to pick up normal jewels. Often times, you can 'front load' a black hole and start a black hole positioning and quickly get up to 1200 points per pick-up.

I find this game quite addictive and really dig it.



I really enjoyed playing this and made a (very hungover) video showcasing it. Got very lucky and scored 36,100 on my last game! :)

What an awesome game - can't believe it took me a few years before even being made aware of this! Well done :)

My high score: 19,100
Edit: On reflexive

What is the "secret technique"?

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