Answer the Call of the Abyss!
What's at the bottom of the pit? Could be anything! Could be everything! I have to find out!
How to Fall
How Not to Get Hurt
Thanks for playing!

First thing I noticed, @MisterWizard01, is that you should be able to float a little up and down as well instead of just left and right.
I had one green shot come straight at me from the side and no way to dodge unless I went up or down.

Hi @MisterWizard01.
Ah, indeed. Yet after 631m I am not seeing the game get any more difficult. Nonetheless. An original and interesting premise to the old falling down the pit game.
Gold star work, clearly. :)

Neat! I like how vague and simple it is, but it still manages to have a cool concept.

so cute, i really love the recoil movement. adorable sprite.

Excellent time waster. I keep coming back. Just got to 1281 feet!

It's awesome. I jumped 5 times before I realized I could shoot. I probably should have read the instructions. Then I found myself building skills. Very cool mechanic.

It's good up to 1000m, then the rocks start to get out of hand and you're soon more drilling than falling. Still a good game though.
edit: actually the rocks are probably fine. I just chose to shoot everything because it was easier than dodging, but it also made the game play further down more boring. I suggest adding some limit to bullets to reduce the "play it safe" play style (like a six-shot revolver, where you have to freefall to reload).

Love this! Great artwork. Took me a few falls before I figured out the controls. Guess I could've tried like pushing buttons instead of just using the direction keys. Haha. Great game.
I've only made it too 788, but was a little sad to find the hats don't effect gameplay. That would be a nutso addition I would imagine. Game as-is is feels fun and fluid. Looking forward to more dives.

if you have chars left you should add a way to go up into the sky as an easter egg
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