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Cart #tinyalchemist-4 | 2023-05-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Tiny Alchemist

The cute alchemy shop simulator!


Arrow keys to move
C to pick up/put down potion
X to interact
You can toggle the music from the pause menu.

How to Play

Buying and Selling Potions

Customers will appear on the left between 8:00 and 20:00 (when the sign at the top says OPEN).
You can buy the potions they place on the counter by pressing C while facing them, as long as you have enough money.
You can sell your potions to them by pressing C while facing an empty slot on the counter, as long as the formulas match.

Making New Potions

Place potions in the machines, then run on the treadmill to power them.
The potions will be processed into new potions!

Horizontal Cut
Input: 1 2-high potion.
Output: 2 1-high potions.
Separates the top and bottom halves of a formula.

Horizontal Join
Input: 2 1-wide potions.
Output: 1 2-wide potion.
Joins the left and right halves of a formula.

Clockwise Rotation
Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: 1 potion of the same dimensions.
Rotates a formula clockwise.

Horizontal Flip
Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: 1 potion of the same dimensions.
Flips a formula horizontally (over the y-axis).

Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: None.
Destroys a potion to make more space in your lab.

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Cart #downward-6 | 2023-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Answer the Call of the Abyss!

What's at the bottom of the pit? Could be anything! Could be everything! I have to find out!

How to Fall

Press ❎ or 🅾️ (x or c on keyboard) to jump into the pit.
Use left and right arrow keys or d-pad to drift during free fall.
Press ❎ or 🅾️ to fire downward, launching yourself up!

Press the right button in the main menu to see the credits.
Press the left button in the main menu to access the hat shop.

Use the up and down buttons to navigate the shop.
Hold ❎ or 🅾️ in the shop to buy a hat.
Press ❎ or 🅾️ to equip a hat you already own.

The Pit!

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Cart #galaxis-4 | 2022-09-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A simple shmup reminiscent of the arcade era.

Galaxis was made using the Lazy Devs Shmup Tutorial on YouTube

Galaxis is also being submitted to the Lazy Devs Basic Shmup Jam on itch.io. Please check out all the other awesome submissions! Downloadable versions of many of the submissions are available over there.

Who the ♥♥♥♥ is ALF?


D-Pad [arrow keys] to move
O Button [z/c/n] to fire guns
X Button [x/v/m] to fire missiles

In the Menu screen:

  • Fly to the top of the screen to start the game
  • Fly to the left to see the credits
  • Fly to the right to see the highscores

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Cart #snake_0-1 | 2022-05-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I ripped off the Google Snake game to see if I could. Don't worry, I have bigger plans for this.


⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ : turn
🅾️/z : retry
❎/x : ???


Version 1:

  • added visual effects (particles, screen shake, etc.)
  • scoreboard now moves so that it never hides the apple or the snake's head
  • scoreboard now shows high score
  • pressing ❎ in the menu now does something...

Cart #grandmaster_checkers-0 | 2022-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my crack at a checkers game with a juicy UI.
Can you beat the GrandMaster CPU?
Higher levels are still a little slow, especially in the endgame.

Potential Updates

  • actually implement the settings menu...😅
  • Use a transposition table to speed up the AI. I actually already tried this, but immediately ran into memory issues. If I were to re-implement it, I would need a good algorithm for deciding which table entries to purge when the memory starts getting full.
  • Restrict the cursor to only pieces that can move (when no piece is selected), and only moves that the selected piece can make (when one is). This was recommended by @ChristopherD who played the game while it was WIP. You can view my response to that below.
  • MoAr PaRtIcLeS...I had planned on having a starfield or some shapes moving around in the background, as well as a bit of dust coming up around the pieces when they land after making a move. I implemented the former, but took it out because I thought it added too much visual noise. If you think it would cool to see in the game, please let me know. I have plenty of tokens left for more of this kind of juice. 👍

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Cart #blackjack-0 | 2022-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Casino Blackjack!
I made this to get an idea of how to make an attractive card game in Pico-8. UI needs a lot of work, but the game is there. Might be a few edge cases that break it.

Left/Right to change action
X to select action

Hand Signals:
Hit...........Tap cards
Stand.........Wave hand
Double Down...Point w/one finger
Split.........Point w/two fingers


  • 4 standard actions: Hit, Stand, Double Down, and Split
  • Actions notated by standard hand signals
  • Randomly generated card backs
  • Slick card physics
  • $1000 starting cash, on the house
  • Only a single deck to allow you to practice counting cards!

Upcoming Features:

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Cart #monty_hall-0 | 2021-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simulation of the famous Monty Hall Problem inspired by the game show "The Price is Right."

The game goes like this:
0) 3 doors, 1 has a pile of gold coins behind it
1) You pick 1 of the 3 doors
2) Monty Hall, the show's host, opens 1 of the 2 remaining doors, revealing that it is empty
3) You are offered the chance to switch to the remaining closed door
4) All 3 doors are opened and you receive what's behind the door you ended on

The Problem:
What is the probability of winning if you switch?
What is the probability of winning if you stay?
Is it always better to switch or stay? A little of both?
Does it matter whether you switch or stay?

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