Hey this is the platformer engine that i created
i will be happy if i can help
more happy if you can help
Only thing wrong about the code is i got verticalspeed and horizantalspeed variables mixed up
so 'vsp' vertical speed is left and right 'hsp' horizantal speed is up and down
download the code here from
githubSo i have a make actor function which creates a circle random in the screen and adds it to actors table i have the keyboad mouse enabled, so lets say i generated 2 circles on screen what i wanna do is when clicked first it should draw a line between mouse and the circle object(i have sucsesfully implemented this) what i wanna do now click the second object and stop drawing line between circle1 and mouse and draw a line between circle 1 and circle 2 (kinda like circ1.connected =circ2 and circ2.connected=circ1) but they are generated through out the game so i cant put their names in like that