A PICO-8 demake of FEZ.
You can also find this game on itch.io!
CONTROLS (Original Version)
Left/Right: Walk
Up: Jump
Down: Drop/Interact
Z/X: Rotate the world
CONTROLS (Mobile-Friendly Version)
Left/Right: Walk
Z: Jump
Down: Drop
Up: Interact
Left/Right while holding X: Rotate the world
This is a tiny adventure based directly on FEZ, a game by the Polytron Corporation. It is a fan work, and was not made in collaboration with or endorsed by them.
FUZ features a total of 8 distinct areas. Its visuals, mechanics, and puzzles are all based off those in the original.
I made the music myself, as while FEZ has a phenomenal soundtrack a lot of it does not translate well to PICO-8. I can't claim to be very musically inclined, but I hope it works well enough.
Also, while there is no save system, the game is completable very quickly if you know what to do so getting back to your previous place is not hard.
And if you'd like to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_
Thanks for playing, and let me know what you think!
If you'd like to hear more about the process of developing this game, I did a whole write-up here!

Never played the original, but this is good! Music is great also, btw :)

Amazing! Really polished and well done. It was fun to break out the old pen and paper again, like old times. I like how you managed to cram every single glyph in there by the end ;)

Extremely faithful demake of FEZ, the graphics look great and the 3D mechanic looks extremely cool.
To anybody else: please go through the 4-cube door and complete the game before expanding the spoiler tag below. Okay?

just finished, brought back memories to decoding everything in the original fez. Still wish fez 2 didn't get cancelled

can some one help me translate the language? not the basic one on the small pillars, the complex one on the big pillar and walls of most areas.

I absolutely love this game! There are so many secrets, one cannot even begin to solve them all just by pure gameplay. For any potential sleuths out there, the cart contains a few secrets worth searching for ;)

still stuck on the translation thing, if some one could tell me what its called or how to find it it would be a great help.

Wow, this is getting a lot of love. Thanks so much everyone!
A few specific replies:
@dhostin Yep, these is indeed more you haven't seen!
@arashi256 Thanks! Good to hear you like the music!
@AdamJ Thank you! Though I can't take credit for the design because I tried to keep it as faithful to the original as I could for the most part.
@TheV360 Dang, congrats on finding that so fast! I suppose it's in true FEZ fashion for someone to track down the more hidden secrets within 6-7 hours :P
@Thunder919113 You might wanna check your spelling :)

or not! the first thing it try to translate with the letters i know from the words butterflies and end dont fit all the symbols (this is at game start)

@Skulhhead1924 Um you do realize that FUZ uses different characters than FEZ right?
@Thunder919113 It sounds like you're on the right track at least. There might be some more clues you've overlooked though.
@ultrabrite Thank you!! And yeah my approach to this was definitely to try to give a small slice of full FEZ gameplay instead of to reduce the actual mechanics of the original.

This was an excellent game! Very faithful to the original Fez, and had some very clever puzzles. I'm pretty sure I got everything, but I didn't have hearts flying around the character at the end like shown in another screenshot. The only thing I might've missed was:

i want to know if i have all the pillars i need to know to get the 3rd anti cube. i have 3 unique pillars, two i know what says, butterflies,, and end, the last one i don't know, and i have 3 walls, all of which i have no clue what say.

@Thunder919113 There is more you can deduce about the others. (Also it'd be best if you don't put specific answers/pieces of text in here)

@Thunder919113 You can go back and edit your replies to hide spoiler text by surrounding your spoiler info with

UPDATE: Mobile-Friendly Version!
I've now released a modified version with a slightly more complicated control scheme, but one that works much better with mobile devices and gamepads!

My game freezes and crashes whenever i collect the first 8 fragments, im on browser if thats why

@ ale.xyin What browser are you using? I've had no issues with that with Chrome or Firefox.
If you're referring to something that happens past the 1-cube door,

really good game, still haven't figured out the white pillar puzzle. the message with the fake boot saying "run" was unsetling, tought something would chase me. 10/10, would s**t myself again.

I was able to get every letter of the alphabet except Q. ;-)

Code talk.
That said, how you fake the quasi 3D with a slight shift and then wipe is brilliant. Really nailed it.

@clouddown Hey, thanks!
@dynamite_reed Yep, that's just how it is some times :P
If you've played the original you can figure out what character it is.
@joealarson Thank you! Yeah I'm still kinda surprised just how well that illusion works.
Given that no one else has reported any typos so far (and I tried to be very careful to verify that the spellings are correct) I'm inclined to believe the "typos" are errors in your translation.

I made it to the end!!! This definitely captures the feeling of the original game!
Thank you for the wonderful game! This was so fun to figure out. I always love it when a game makes me break out a notebook to start writing things down. Thank you so much!! :)

@thattomhall Thank you so much! That definitely means a lot coming from you, especially!
@eduszesz You can't get that one by jumping, but everything you need to get it is provided in that room!
@cheychc Awesome, great to hear! And yeah as you can probably guess I love that aspect of games, too. Especially having lore and stuff you have to decipher a language to find.

Mobile Version Bugfix
I realized today that there was a small bug in the mobile-friendly version of FUZ that made the tuning fork puzzle significantly harder to figure out, so I've now corrected it.

Awesome game! Got me a bit into the universe of Fez again. I really liked how you pushed to the limitations of PICO-8 and still made something faithful to the original, it's quite a technical feat.
Only read if you have completed the game:
Anyway, keep up the good work!

@tuzepoito Hey, thanks so much!
@greygraphics Thanks! I feel like the text puzzle is the only one I can take full credit for but I'm definitely quite happy with it and the response it has gotten.

What an amazing demake ! I can only imagine the amount of work necessary for this. Thanks a lot for sharing !

Played FUZ. made an account to say THAAAAAANK YOUUUU.
It was like taking a small FEZ hit. I had so much fun. Solved everthing. Wrote notes. Deep Dive.
This is the best thing we have since we did not get FEZ 2.
I hug you!

I love it!!!
It's simply perfect!
Hate myself for doing this but I gotta ask for hints, spoilers ahead:

Firstly - fantastic game!
However, I need help! I am obviously quite thick and I can't for the life of me work out the puzzle in the room where you can't jump to the last cube.
I can work out the message
but have no idea how to translate that into what I need to do.
Any other hints greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, and congrats again on a fab game :-)
inatrice :-)

Hey, I did a playthrough of this on my channel recently. I managed to get to the end, but I later learned there was a lot of stuff that I missed, so I'll definitely be coming back to this!
Either way, this is fantastic work. Video below:
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