Nemonic Crypt
Nemonic Crypt is a self-made-bullet-hell-lite-roguelike.
Fight your way through 5 randomly generated floors in search of all 6 crystals.
Each Crystal can be used as a weapon against the monsters in each room, but beware: the strength and number of monsters will also grow as you adventure further into the crypt.
If you miss an enemy with a shot, the energy bullet will bounce around the level, giving it another opportunity to hit. However, the crystals energy bullets can also damage you!

- Randomly generated crypt layout
- Daily Crypt that is the same for all players and repeatable throughout the day
- 6 Different monsters, each with different tactics
- Switch between 19 unlockable color palettes
- Full range 360degree firing angles
- cool looking dash
- Possibility for cool trick-shots

v1.1 07/13/2021:
- Fixed bug where player gets stuck I wall (I hope)
- Light code cleanup and token mining
- Broadened requirements for nemo skin
- Made "hold o" only show up when walking on the ground floor
- Adjusted cart image
- Added Secrets to BBS thread
- Learned the difference between palette and pallet
v1.2 06/21/2022:
- Actually learned the difference between palette and pallet
- Fixed game breaking bug that would soft-lock game if bullet fired when downed
- Fixed results screen text
- Adjusted cart image
Special thanks to:
- @CoffeeBat for Warpy Sprite function
- @jihem and @huulong for Rotated Sprite function
- @Brandev for beta testing
- Pico-8 Community for being cool

Wow! Incredible amount of polish and content here! The aiming mechanic is super unique and turns shooting into a kind of rhythm-timing challenge in a very unique way, plus the dash feels very satisfying. Having both a daily challenge synchronized for all players as well as unlocking different palettes adds a lot of replay value to the game. This is really good!

Great job feels fantastic. I love the attention to detail in both the environment and the music.

This is so good! I’ll definitely be coming back to this again and again. My only nitpick is the sound that plays when you hit an enemy - has a very “tink” sound, like it’s bouncing off of a metal surface and doesn’t make an impact (even though that’s not the case). Otherwise, really good game!

Very polished and overall a ton of fun, I love it! Great job

Brilliant fun and one of the most polished games I've seen here :)

this had the best combination of love and hate relationship, being able to only shoot when the arrow aligns with your enemy and the dash mechanism to avoid the enemies.

Super cool addition to the Pico8 roguelike library! Nicely done! Love the particle effects!

this has got to be one of the best pico-8 games I've played so far. the only minor bugs I've found are that the reset unlocks option doesn't work and if you press the button opposite of the direction you are facing right after starting a dash you don't move during the dash

Nice rougelike!
Edit: A little tricky at first, but when you understand how the game works it's a great game to play.

it seems like the bug where the game doesn't end comes from pressing the shoot button while dead? the little shooter crystals fly out after you die so i think it may be shooting bullets into the void where they can't bounce at all

I would love to see a version of this game with items, it would be really cool

Thank you all for playing the game and all of the feedback! After a year I finally got around to fixing that game breaking bug haha.

Really enjoyed this, and have found myself returning to it a lot today. I also reviewed it for my channel below:

this remindes me of soul knight. like a demake.
cool :)

I am aware it literally does not matter, but I feel like I must point out that you only unlock monochrome after your 1001st kill. either that, or my in game kill count was wrong. Absolutely love this game though.
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