hey i hadnt played this yet! JELPI ! i love the plunge effect to get baddies, i made a game with a lunge attack the other day except mine was more of a bird pecking attack. hey congrats on pico-8 its going super im really enjoying all the games and nice to see alot of action on the BBS, hello from wellington nz!

I came here just to say how cool I thought Jelpi was and I hope you keep up the good work, Mr. Zep. I played with it until I figured out how to jump extra high and get onto the castle which was neat because at first it seemed totally impossible to get there. The lunge mechanic is fun and with some more obstacles it could really add depth to the game. Good luck with those new levels!
Corrupt mode is amazing.

There is something irresistibly cute and delightful about jelpi. I truly believe that is is the most perfect little platformer(if varying levels of perfection exist) I have ever seen. I'm not sure what it is that makes me love it so much. The colors, music, sprites, and movement are all just so wonderful! I wish this was a full game, I would have a hard time putting it down! It's kind of like Kirby mixed with Mario but cuter, smaller scale.... and better?! great work as always zep, I know this is old but I just had to comment :) jelpi is my favourite out of all of your carts <3

I'll just put this here: https://twitter.com/lexaloffle/status/1092819925167554561
By the way, I love that the Jelpi thread on the BBS only had 2 replies from 2015 before this. That's pretty crazy considering how well-liked that demo is, and how many hacks people have made of it.

I was very excited when I saw that announcement a few weeks ago. I love jelpi!

Great game. Jelpi is a great game, after seeing a thread, I think (s)he(lp, which pronoun should I use?) should be the mascot

very cute. also pressing launch immediately after jump gives you a dope super jump

Can you please upload the new version of your Jelpi platformer demo on here?

Also, is this the latest public version or is there a newer version I can't find?

There’s a different version that you can get by running install_demos at the pico8 prompt.

Do you know what differences it has? (sorry, I don't have Pico-8)

More things in level 1, a co-op mode, level 2, birb friend

As near as I can tell, @SandwichBlam, a JELPI is a creature made-up entirely by the innovative @zep. A kind of anthromorphic bunny with big eyes and short ears.
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