What does it mean when I get this symbol?

It seems to me to be an Unknown Error sign because every time I get it I don't know why. And all I know is its an Error sign. So I'm assuming its an Unknown Error sign. The only time I get it often is When I'm playing this one game I forgot the name to and who its made by.

I found a way to get one more follower. And yes whoever thinks this idea is dumb can tell me and I will take this thread down. But what you do is first you go to your profile
Then you see your profile:
Where it says follow:
Then you go to where it says following:
Then you can click on both and they will both have your name at the top
How come the Voxatron cartridges are laggier then plain old PICO-8 cartridges and when you move its slow af. Whenever I look at the GIF's of Voxatron, they look perfectly fine, but when I play a Voxatron cartridge, It's slow. Like my internet is perfectly fine, yet Voxatron STILL LAGS. Please let me know if you know why and how to fix it if you know either of those. Or at least how to stop the lag. Thank you. :)