Someone make this happen :D
I was looking at that for a jam I could use pico8 but surprisingly there is nothing left this year (except a game a month but an entire month is too long for me to participate).

I got it!
Let's do it on the week of Thanksgiving (22nd-28th)!
Question is, though: Who's going to announce the Theme? (I nominate Zep!)
(Also, I noticed your avatar from the Wizard on NES, sweet!)

That's a good time frame.
Yeah, the avatar is from mega drive version of Immortal though. Apparently it was originally on an amiga system or something. I LOVED that game.

sign me up!
do we prefix cartrages/forumpost with [picojam] if we submit them or somthing, maybe add a number if we want to do this again
(oh hi skyrunner65, its a small world, wel for mirco console's atleast :D)

Me too! I'd also be happy to help with theme announcing or any other formalities.
I imagined jams could take place in Collaboration with a tag for each jam to group them, but that can evolve as needed.
Any proposals for a format? LD48-style theme voting? Or just leave it to a mysterious behind-the-curtain theme dictator?

For interest sake, has a jam host platform all tied up and simple. I'd recommend it for hosting entries and managing things.

I think you should just announce it, zep.
Then if there's a big turnout, the next one could be voted upon.

I will try to do it, depending of the date.
Itchio seems to be the best option. ( really easy to set up).
Would be good to vote for a Theme, like in the old good experimental game jam time.

Yes so much!
About the voting, I'm ok with whatever method you want.

They held a pico-8 workshop and jam at Bento Miso in Toronto recently, seems like it went pretty well.
Does anyone have plans to team up?
My vote goes to a secret dictator theme from Zep.

yaay it's happening! My suggested guideline for theme is to not be too contextual, but something that limits what could be done mechanically. Like "one button" or "slow paced" etc. But I'm happy with anything that lets us jam =)

LD-48 generates so many jam theme ideas, it's as if we could just pick one randomly from past years' finalists. Would that meet our needs / keep it simple?

I'm pretty sure it's still being planned out.
All of the jam games in the forums right now are from 0h game jam.
They might be talking about it on IRC, but I don't frequent it so I don't know.

Ah okay thanks. Maybe I will have to drop into the IRC at some point.

Alright, super. If there are no objections in the next couple of days, I'll post an invite for the week of November 22nd-28th and will procure a theme and format to be posted at the start of the jam (You can trust me. strokes white cat).

Sounds good to me! I'll try not to get too stuck into Fallout 4 by then.
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