Button 1/Z - Jump
Button 2/X - Give Up
I'm not going to explain the arrow keys.
The game is about jumping up a series of pillars in the clouds. Endlessly. The layout of each level of the "tower" is chosen from a set of premade layouts, or randomly generated.
-You'll wrap around horizontally when you go off the edge of the screen; you'll also need this to get past certain areas.
-The player only collides with the top part of the pillars. The rest of it doesn't matter.
-Item blocks are special blocks that sometimes appear on level-marking platforms (the ones with the tree), and you'll get a bonus when you collect them.
-So far, only the "time stop" block works; It stops the scrolling temporarily, mostly useful at higher levels with faster scroll speeds. The rest of the don't do anything yet, so just ignore them.
-The collision system is a bit buggy atm.
-Input in the web version is slightly laggy.
-Add visual effects for the later levels.
-Add more rooms
-Title screen
-Possibly other stuff
-Added 2 new prefab rooms.
-Added random room generator.
-mapupdate() will also now choose whether to use the room generator or one of the prefabs, so you'll get both.
-The player no longer collides with the bottom or sides of the platforms, only the top. that means they're all jump-through platforms now.
-Introducing Item Blocks; see notes above. I might refine this system later, though.
-Fixed a fatal mistake in the jumping system.
08/03/2017: Updated here.

Cool! :) Make it procedural. I think procedurally generated content are ideal for pico-8, considering the harsh storage limitations.

Nice! I found a bug however. If you hold down the jump key, you can jump multiple times.

Yep, turns out I was relying on the player's vertical speed rather than actually checking the ground for a collision...

I liked it until I realized, after I finally started doing well, that i hadn't tried any other buttons...this kinda sucked in terms of experimentation, doing so well and then finding out x is a suicide button.
Silly-things-to-find-out-too-late aside, this looks like it'll be pretty fun.

Very nice game! This could be an actual gameboy title with those smooth controls and neat graphics :)

neat with sounds.
i made it to lv7
the "time stop" item is interesting but should probably not disappear so far up, I guess.

This is great, I love the adorable jump animation.
I'd suggest putting the suicide X button on a delay -- make the player hold it down for 1 second or something, and show an animation making it clear they're about to kill themselves.
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