The btn call acts very strange with the joystick where if I were to program
P1.x += btn(1)/125.5 - btn(0)/125.5
It would return the error: “attempt to perform arithmetic on a Boolean value”
Even though btn(1) and btn(0) both return numbers.
Some other things that may be of importance are that I am using the Linux version on my steam deck, and that I could not find startup.lua in my files.
Some more scratch blocks that I don’t know if they’re in pico 8
If you don’t know what they do:
-length of(“apple”):
-takes the input of a string and outputs how many characters are in that string (for example, length of(apple) = 5
-length of(listname):
-takes the input of an array and outputs how long that array is (for example:
Z=length of(x)
//Z == 5
So if you know if these are in pico 8 and what they are please tell me
so right now i'm working on a game called raise a thing (raise a floppa clone) and there are some things that i can't find and its these two blocks from scratch
and these are the two blocks i always use to create save codes and other things
so if anyone knows if these exist in pico 8 lua and what they are please tell me
another thing is does anyone have a point towards (x,y,sx,sy) function that i can use with credit?
what i'm looking for is something that you give the sprites x, y, the x and y you want to point at, and it outputs a direction that can then be put through sine and cosine to be converted into movement
i'll credit you in the credits (i'll make a note in the games code to make sure i don't forget)