Nerdfield is a short demo for Creative Nerd 2023 demo competition.
Download standalone versions for Windows, Mac and Linux:

Took a shot at arranging a beautiful song into a chiptune version.
Does it work?
Should I finish it?
Original song: Epic Mountain - Optimistic Nihilism

Ever wanted to animate text smoothly? Or maybe just scale a text up by some non-integer value? With vectors you can!

Example usage:
printl( text, x, y, color, font_size, char_spacing, line_spacing, wrap_width ) |
Shoot the targets to get more ammo.
Game ends when ammo runs out.
Use arrows to aim, Z to shoot.
(press the â–¶ button to start)
Source code
555 characters
srand(555)a,b,c,d,x,m,n=btnp,127,0,8,64,3,-12::r::c+=1p,l,e=64,{},c/2%16+1for i=0,b do p=i>56and i<72and p or p+rnd(e)-e/2add(l,p)end y,o=l[x],rnd(48)\1+1if rnd()>0.5then o=b-o end q=l[o]::s::k=a()m,n=mid(m+(k>>1&1)-(k&1),-16,16),mid(n+(k>>3&1)-(k>>2&1),-16)if a(4)then d=max(d-1)f,g,h,j=x,y,m/4,n/4end cls(c%3+1)?'★',x-3,y-3,7 for v,p in ipairs(l)do line(v-1,p+1,v-1,b,0)end?'웃',o-3,q-2,c%3+8 [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=125170#p) |
Fruit Salad 64
Make a bowl of fruit salad by squashing matching fruits together. Can you finish all 3 levels? Fruit are worth more in the beginning, be fast to get a good hi-score!
C&C welcome
– Move the selection -
– Pick and place items Enter
– Pause/Settings
Update notes
- Updated cart image
- 2023-01-01
- Game session is now remembered across restarts (reset saved game from pause menu)
- Items can be picked up, even if there are no matching items on the board
- Items can be swapped if they don't match
- Added more levels
- Score can now reach hundreds of millions before overflowing

Turn down the volume for optimal experience! (unless you're running this within PICO-8, in which case it should sound all chill)
Big thanks to pancelor for squeezing this down from 323 to 251 characters, and for teaching me some wizard-level golfing tricks!
(press â–¶ to view)

I'm working on this small animation library. It adds a straightforward way to animate an object's state.
Usage example:
Let's say there's a game object called "progress", representing a progress bar we want to animate:
progress={value=0} |
we could animate the value rising from 0 to 100 by adding this to something that triggers the progress to start:
tween(progress,{value=100}) |
and in _update() we want to call the animate() function to keep updating the value, until it's duration has elapsed:
if has_animations(progress) then animate(progress) end |
There are some global variables you can override:
Official port of PePuSnek for SCRIPT-8, improved.
WARNING: Contains flashing lights!
- 14-11-2020
- Changed scoring rules; points are now accumulated, instead of calculated when the game ends
- Added persistent HiScores
- Music on/off setting is now persistent