So... This started as an excercise to pico8 the "A Friend Like Me" song from the Disney movie Aladdin. Then I had the poor judgement to decide to make an animation to go with the song.
This turned out to be a very time consuming task, and I wasn't happy with what it looked like, so I lost the motivation to continue. So this cart has been on my disk for a while - waiting for the motivation to return - until I finally decided to release it in its current unfinished state.
I hope it still brings some joy to someone, and that it doesn't anger the Mouse.

I didn't understand almost any of it from the words but the song I know and the fun music combined with the simple-but good animation was great! (what I mean by simple is that a lot of stuff gets reused or that there's not that many frams. But that's a positive in my book because it looks good and sometimes you don't need the most complex thing ^_^)
PS: was looking at the code and the Big bold text is a fun idea, makes it easy to know what is where I'm assuming? : p

@SmellyFishstiks Thanks! Yeah I edit my pico8 carts in Sublime so those large ascii art labels are helpful for navigation

THIS IS AMAZING, great effects, and you made not only the full song with lyrics (even tho I can't read that version >XD) and more than half of the animation.

That was wonderful :) Very glad I stumbled upon this tonight.

@Matcha155 I've used the uppercase letters U, A, and O to identify å, ä, ö. The letters themselves are sprites from the spritesheet.

Oh and just for fun do you speak Swedish or have you just translated it?
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