Yep, that's what it's called. Sorry.
My first P8 game. Just a simple, straightforward platformer. Three worlds of three levels each. There's no story or anything (I barely managed an ending, and not just because of the token limit).
If anyone wants them, the unminified game, map editor, and other stuff are available here. They're pretty messy, but feel free to do whatever with them. Just be aware that most things "save" via printh. Not a great way to do things, but it worked out.

This is fantastic! Cute and full of life. The game feels huge for a pico game. Good work!

Hi, I'm a Brazilian fan and I love this game (even though I did not go beyond the second phase, but it's because I'm bad in the game), and I made an image to present the game, it took two days of much blood, sweat and tears. But it's here, and I would like, if you do not use the presentation, that you keep as a fanart. Please contact me by email: [email protected].
Sorry if you have an english error, my english is not the best and I used google translator.

Wow, this is great, especially for a first game. I barely even finished World 1-1 because I'm not very good at platformers, but that was enough for me to get a sense of just how large and polished this game is. Hope to see more from you!

Thanks everyone. Glad it's going over well.
@CartDesDel, yeah, I'll definitely check that out. Neat. Wasn't expecting anything like that.

Calling this a simple platformer doesn't really do it justice. This is actually really solidly designed. It's quite challenging, but in an intentional way that feels very cohesive. I'm stuck on 2-2 for now, but I'll hopefully get around to beating it. Good work!

This is really cool! Definitely gonna download the cart and give it a go with a pad.

Very cute game! No need to feel sorry for the title. The game is great.

It may be a bit tight, but you can get through there without getting hit. There's nowhere in the game that damage or death is unavoidable.

Plus: Fun music, cute, colorful, and a tough but fair approach. Relies on new enemies and changing power-ups to keep it fresh so the game avoids being stale. The environments are gorgeous to also avoid staleness. Inertia based projectiles are fun to get that little extra height/length. Boss fights were fun as well. Unlimited continues and a password system is also slick. I would normally ding those kinds of endings, but for Pico-8 game, even a congratulations screen is better than nothing.
Minus: Inertia based projectiles aren't fully reliable and the jumping is a bit too touchy which can cause unexpected extra hops to your death. Nothing major, but can be the result of annoying deaths.
Overall: 4.25 out of 5. Very solid, recommendable game which is very impressive for a first game.

The most impressive thing to me is that the game uses a sophisticated metatile system that hugely increases potential level size. Only complete game I've seen here using one of those so far.

the music in the first level sounds like the song in sonic 3, love it

I got all the way up to 3-1 but I'm stumped here. If you want the code here it is:

Excellent game. Love the password thing. I'm not looking to make platformers but I'll definitely be downloading this to figure out how you setup these levels in your code (can't be on the map, right?).

Very nice! Pretty darn competent game! Only gripe I really have is the air controls feel off but even that is minor. Most excellent bro.

I like this game, i thinked Barp was a frog, if you heard the first level song with detail, you can hear a Sonic 3/Sonic 3 & Knuckles´s menu save select theme reference, this game have potential to have a sequel
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