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Cart #palette_maker-8 | 2022-06-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A tool for creating palettes! Supports the default 16 colors and the secret extra-set of 16 bonus colors (you can use items from both in your palette, but you can only select 16 colors in total).


Click a color in the 4x4 grid to select/deselect it. Click the Default/Alternate buttons on the left (or press Z) to switch the picker-grid between default colors and "special dark" colors.

Click and drag colors you've already chosen (at the top) to reorder them.


To export your palette, click the Copy button (see note below). This exports your palette as a single line of Lua, which you can paste into another pico8 editor (or a text file). You can put this line of Lua into your _INIT() function, or at the very top of your script, or at whatever point where you want the palette to change.

Example output:


> (NOTE!) If you're running the palette maker on the BBS, when you click the Copy button, you'll get a popup telling you how to complete the operation - at the time of writing, pico8 pops up a red message telling you to press ctrl-C or cmd-C to complete the copy-operation - so for windows-web, the export process is to click Copy and then hit Ctrl+C, then go to your other app/window and hit Ctrl+V. If you want to skip that extra step, run the palette maker locally (you can use the command LOAD #PALETTE_MAKER from the pico8 entry screen to download it) - in the local editor, the Copy button alters your clipboard contents immediately.


Click the SORT button to attempt to auto-sort your palette - for simple palettes, like monochrome stuff, this should work "as expected," producing a ramp from dark to bright. For stranger palettes, it'll do its best to minimize the HSV difference and acceleration between neighbors in HSV space (the cart's thumbnail is the full 16-color default palette, after sorting with this method).


Click the blue twitter-bird button to toggle tweetjam-export mode, which always produces a shorter output for the same palette, compared to the default (more-legible) output mode. Tweetjam-export is also relevant if you're optimizing tokens: no matter how many colors your palette includes, the output in tweetjam mode will be 2 tokens. If you're going for lowest-possible char-count: adding 1 extra default-palette color costs 1 extra byte, but adding 1 extra alt-palette color costs 2 extra bytes, because it gets encoded as an emoji.

Example output in tweetjam-mode:



If you'd like to edit your palette inside the context of your actual game, you may be interested in @BoneVolt's utility, Painto-8 Lite!

Special thanks to @pancelor for showing how palettes (which use color 133) can shave a byte in tweetjam-mode by replacing with ˇ - both of these glyphs mean "color 133" when used in a palette-string, but unlike other p8-emoji-glyphs, twitter only counts ˇ as a single byte, instead of two!

P#68190 2019-09-27 17:21 ( Edited 2022-06-03 14:24)

I see this is a palette re-arranger.

Pretty good, actually. Nice job on sideways text for long table. You get my star. I also think you're the first person outside of myself who ever uses the clipboard to auto-create Pico-8 source insertion or raw HTML to assist in coding for either.

In the strip view, maybe add more information like the color index 0, 1, 2, 3, at the top.

        .."for i,c in pairs(_pal) do"

To leave out the dot dots and \r \n you could use this smaller version:

for i,c in pairs(_pal)
P#68196 2019-09-27 18:49 ( Edited 2019-09-30 17:48)

Oh yeah, labeling the color index for each strip in the ordering screen sounds nice! (Edit - that's added now)

I forgot all about the multi-line string thing, maybe related to how I was initially writing something with more appends throughout the whole thing, and then I didn't change the format when I moved all the value-insertion stuff into that _pal table.

P#68199 2019-09-27 20:46 ( Edited 2019-09-27 21:00)

Glad to help ! :)

Yep, those square [[ ]] brackets are a blessing. You can include the instructions for your cart right a the top using these and until you type ]] you can have anything at all - which is ALSO a string so you can just CLS()PRINT(ins) to have it appear.

Quite powerful. Sometime I need to sit and take a good look at that string insertion method and see how it could be put to great use.

P#68200 2019-09-27 21:01

HAHA whoa @Skulhhead1924, I didn't realize that would work!

P#68372 2019-10-02 15:03

Just want to say that this is a godsend and I use this even for non PICO-8 games that have limited color palettes. Starred and faved.

P#96238 2021-08-19 17:43 ( Edited 2021-08-19 17:43)

It works in the browser too! (firefox)

P#96247 2021-08-19 22:29

Great tool @2darray, even ignoring the code export this is a nice on-the-go way to play with palettes and get some stylistic inspiration.

P#96370 2021-08-23 02:21

this tool is excellent! here's a small contribution: twitter only counts "ˇ" (shift-V) as a single character, so 133 (which is (ord("ˇ"))&0x8f) can be represented as "ˇ" instead of "✽" (shift-F), saving one character.

I've modded my local copy of this tool to include this inside gettweetcartoutput():

        if p[i]==133 then
        elseif p[i]>=128 then
P#112636 2022-06-02 18:23

yesss, thanks @pancelor! updating the cart with your improvement, and added a little note to credit you.

P#112676 2022-06-03 14:16

Hmm ... That last cart I wrote about a deck of cards using mixed 16-colors, this would've been most helpful there. I didn't even think about that.

... ???

Wait, I'm running into a problem, @2darray. How do I have black twice ? I want black for the background as color #0 and black for color #3 as well ? In clicking it just removes the black.

P#112704 2022-06-03 23:07 ( Edited 2022-06-03 23:09)

yeeeep @dw817 - that's a current/known limitation of the tool! in my usage, when i need to do that, i just manually edit the string-output (sometimes making two palettes separately, and combining their outputs)...but it does seem nice to figure out some proper-UX for that situation...

P#112707 2022-06-03 23:55

How about this, @2darray ? Hold ❎ while clicking to add that color even if in the list ? Clicking the color normally would remove it.

P#112709 2022-06-04 00:38

sounds about right to me, @dw817! easy to start wanting more, though...like when you remove a color that's used 4 times, does it remove ALL of them? if that's a potential surprise/accident, the tool starts wanting an undo-button a bit more strongly...honestly i already want an undo button sometimes, particularly when the "sort" button gives me a bogus result

maybe instead of re-clicking the color's add-button in the 4x4 grid to remove it, it could have little "x" buttons inside the top current-palette area, so you can pick which element to remove specifically...that seems nice anyway, since as it stands, you sometimes have to switch-pages to find a selected-color that you want to remove...

lol. that wily UX design, always with the rabbit holes!

P#112725 2022-06-04 14:08

Now @2darray, making an UNDO should be very easy to do.

Don't worry about WHAT is getting undone, just copy the lot to an array every time a new color is set or removed. At worst you may have an array that is 48 deep with 16-colors in it. [48][16]

To "undo" just decrease the index of the last copied array. Done.

Pico-8 has more than enough memory to handle UNDO in your palette editor case.

As for the ❎, nope, that is all I'm requesting. Do that and I can start to use more than one of the same color in your editor.

Thanks !

P#112727 2022-06-04 15:14

is there a way to set the color palette so it is reflected in the pixel editor as well?

P#115716 2022-08-13 16:27

Such great work! Thank you very much :) I tried to make a gameboy-palette ( pal({[0]=0,3,138,7},1) )
@javijavi7 yes! You can copy this whole pal thing straight into the pico8 commandline and the palette will be visible in editor-pico8 will look very uncanny though :D

P#115718 2022-08-13 20:01

add this: poke(0x5f2e,1)

P#115721 2022-08-13 20:31

thanks!! adding poke(0x5f2e,1) to my .p8 file preserves the palette when i exit to work on sprites. super helpful!

P#115755 2022-08-14 17:56

This is super nice to get one liners that sets the palette to any 16 of the 32 colours, but it doesn't explain how palette_maker displays all 32 at once on screen.
I can see that there is suspiciously never more than 16 colours on any line of the screen, but does PICO-8's imaginary screen use scan lines and you can change the palette on the fly during display ? How would you time that ? What about frame skips ?

Oh, and I've seen a parrot in 32 colours in 128x64 resolution somewhere, but this is another trick since the resolution is 128x128 here.

P#134762 2023-09-22 13:58

@RealShadowCaster - you're right, the scanlines are the key! @merwok's link explains the method used here - particularly, setting a primary and secondary palette, and then setting the per-scanline bitfields so that the top portion of the screen uses one palette, while the rest of the screen uses the other palette. no mid-frame shenanigans, just setting some secret pico8-state

P#134775 2023-09-22 19:10

I just want to say thanks for making this - it's incredibly useful to be able to preview a palette and re-arrange the colors quickly.

P#138277 2023-12-05 15:59

This thing is awesome! I love making my own custom palettes with this. My favorite part is adding some of the secret palette colors to the default palette colors!

When I’m on the desktop, I like changing the colors around and seeing how they look.

P#150431 2024-06-26 02:10

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