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Cart #54383 | 2018-07-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #getoutxmas-0 | 2018-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The door is locked. You'll have to explore a dangerous dungeon full of traps and monster and find 6 lost gems to open the door and GET OUT!

Move : Arrow keys
O (Jump) : Z / C / N
X (Punch) : X / V / M
Dash : Right or Left + X

I recently discovered PICO-8 and felt in love with the concept. Shortly after I made a mockup of a potential game and found an amazingly active community who motivated me to make an actual game. Here is it, hope you'll enjoy it as I do.

Design + Code : @LupusInsanus
Music + SFX : @bogdanraczynski / Profil3

[UPDATE 1.1]

  • As asked by many, added a remaining lives counter
  • Deleted a forgotten debug line

Veeery good! Solid gameplay and difficulty ramp up.

Minor gameplay rant: collision detection with the arrows is a bit imprecise.

Tech comments:

  • why not 60fps???
  • get rid of for/all in favor of for/pairs (much faster)
  • you can save many tokens by using inline table constructs like:
local zombie={
  • sugges to add a bit of smoke when jumping/landing to improve weight feeling (imho)

It's a very fantastic game!
I was fascinated and enjoyed it.
Thank you!

Lovely mini metroidvania :)

I loved this!!! I would love a #2!!

Really loved this game - had to play it 'till I GOT OUT!
The level design is just perfect. Allows you to progress through well-placed powerups and keys. Revisiting old dungeons in a new light.
Congrats again on the release! :D
One of the best platformers out now for the PICO-8.

(Ignore the time, as I left the browser tab open for hours!)


Definitely one of my favorite pico-8 games! Congrats =)

I've actually been playing this for some time. Just about a perfect adventure/platformer. Wish it had a save function.

This is fun. I got a score of 558!

Really fun platformer!

The only problems I have with this are some arrow detection issues and that when you have ice armor, you can jump the first time even when you are in midair. Otherwise, this is a super fun game, the pacing is great, the music/sound design is great,the controls are very tight and easy to use, the map doesn't move around while you are moving (which makes it a lot easier) and the pacing is very well done. This is my favorite Pico-8 game, and I think this is outstanding.

I also love how the skull that represents a death falls until it hits something.

Yeah I like it. It's interesting. You should make a sequel!

Fun game, but the most frustrating ladders in all the videogames I've played. A followup game or a bigger dungeon would be great.


I keep revisiting this game, it's always a blast. This was the first Pico-8 game I played, so it's got a special place in my 8-bit heart. Great work. To show my appreciation, I've recorded a let's play/review. :)

This is good

beat it with 800+ coins gg


Cool game!

A few years later, I broke my record

A nice game! A little difficult but it was great! finally got out of the dungeon too.

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