When I started making this, I was inspired by two Italian things: pizza (not pictured) and the Cassini spacecraft.
~ this cart is designed to be played in a dark room with headphones on the night of a new moon ~

This is so sweet it made me cry.
Really, truly, thank you for making this. <3

I can't ever seem to get past round 2 where they're all connected by lines. Nothing I do seems to progress the game. I've orbited each one, I've tried getting them to line up or bunch up, and nothing ever happens. It's beautiful, but I have no idea what to do with it.

That was fantastic! Loved the ending, and lots of lovely touches throughout. Really nice.

Aww this is a really beautiful cart. I feel emotional now T_T

Very sweet and fun!
I love the 1 button gameplay too... more like this!

Got me some ASMR watching this, @kittenm4ster. Proof that not every Pico-8 has to be a game or challenging. Sometimes - we just like to discover the magnificence of the sky and galaxies beyond ...
Beautiful, mesmerizing, touching ... Showing all life is interconnected ... Gold star for you.

That was fun and wondrous! The exponential light speed section was a trip too, lol!

Pico-8 solves the n-body problem. I made something insane happen, but I did it in the browser, so I couldn't capture a .gif. Neat project, thanks for sharing.
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