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Cart #kikstart-0 | 2023-11-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Of course it's not my original design! Kikstart is a classic game from 1986, written by Shaun Southern for the Commodore 16 and the Plus/4. I have re-created it as a PICO-8 game to pay my respects.

How to play

  • Left and right: decelerate and accelerate
  • X: jump / start game
  • O: ???

Design and differences

The levels are identical to the original ones. I have scaled down the sprites to get a larger game area. Max speed is slightly faster, the game runs smoother this way. I tried my best with the sounds (the music can be muted in the cart menu). I added a new game mode because I had plenty of space, but the original game is so much better.

Have fun:)

P#137975 2023-11-28 18:03

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Cart #lemon_industries-4 | 2022-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Lemon Industries

Lemon Industries is a puzzle game inspired by Severance, a weird TV show. In this game you work for Lemon Industries as a novice data sorter, and your task is to process files stored on a special computer. Since not much is explained to you, try to find clues, observe, research and feel free to experiment.

Important: the game contains no spoilers and there are no actual references to the TV show! The visuals are similar but the content is not.

Controls and saving:
File selection:

  • up, down and x

Data sorting:

  • move around with left, right, up, down
  • select or unselect last: x
  • unselect all: x long press
  • solve: o
  • open menu: o long press
  • select menu items: up, down and x
  • exit menu: o

The game saves every time you return to the file selection screen.


  • updated the cart to v1.01 (bugfix, killing diagonal movement)
  • v1.02 (bugfix at drawing gained points when wrong answer given)
  • v1.03 (new narrative and less tokens)
P#114344 2022-07-15 10:51 ( Edited 2022-07-28 14:19)

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Cart #frombeyondtheoortcloud-0 | 2022-04-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A space exploration adventure in the Solar System


  • The Solar System with planets, moons, space stations and asteroids
  • Simulation of gravity and orbital mechanics
  • Landing, docking and interplanetary travel
  • A space adventure with secrets to discover

How to play:

  • Please refer to the Astronaut Handbook for controls, UI info and a guide to space manoeuvres:

Download handbook in PDF format



  • up: open control panel
  • down: toggle time warp
  • left/right: adjust zoom

  • X+left/right/up/down: pan view
  • X double tap: recenter view

  • O+left/right: rotate spaceship
  • O+up/down: main and reverse engines

Open the control panel. Use left/right/up/down to navigate. Move to the ORBIT tab. Hold O and press right until TASK tab is visible. Read the message. Go and explore!

P#109861 2022-04-07 18:30

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Cart #picopark-1 | 2022-01-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Take photos of hidden animals in a tiny park!
Beware of the wandering mushroom!

Update 1: the first level shows the location of the hiding animal as well as the enemy mushroom.

How to play:
There are animals hiding in the forest, and you have to take photos of them. Every forest has one animal, and once you take a photo you can move to the next forest. There are 30 levels in the game, and your can check your progress in the bottom left corner. If you find all 30 animals you win the game. You have 3 lives (bottom right corner). You lose a life if you let the red mushroom catch you, or if you go too close to the animal. You cannot see too far ahead so walk carefully!

There are cheat codes if you find the game too hard:

UUUULDDDDR to locate the animal, UUULLDDDRR to stop the mushroom!

Up/Down: move
Left/Right: rotate (controls can be flipped in the pause menu).
X: take a photo
Progress is saved automatically, the save can be erased in the pause menu.

Sprites and music is by me, as well as the code except the polyfill function by scgrn

P#105191 2022-01-16 19:15 ( Edited 2022-01-19 17:45)