A clone of Haxeflixel's Flappybalt.
The source code of this game can also be found here
Just press Z, X, C or V
After a long time, I finally decided to release this game by adding the following features that I had proposed:
- Independent move of new saws at enter.
- To make saws unstable and shoot out when a set of saws is full.
I tried adding sound effects but nothing convinced me, so I decided to put just a sound effect when losing. I'm not very good at making sound effects. If anyone is up for making some that fit or composing some piece of music, it is welcome.

This is a flood-it clone inspired by the game Ink Spill from the book "Making Games with Python & Pygame". This game and also some of the others that I have already done and published here are part of a personal challenge which consists in doing clones of these games.
How to play
In order to win you have to flood the entire board with one color within a certain number of moves. You can do a flood fill on the tip left tile, changing the color of any adjacent tiles of the same color.
- Change color - ⬅️/➡️
- Flood fill - 🅾️/Z/C

Changelogs v2.0
- Added difficulty level selector.
- Adjusted velocity of asteroids according to size of asteroids: bigger asteroids will be slower, and smaller will be faster.
- Now all asteroids will always have, relatively, equal sizes at the start of the game.
- Added counter of total destroyed asteroids.
- Added stats of number of destroyed asteroids.
- Randomize color of the ship.
- Added music.
Edit: desactive key binding for reset best time in game over screen as can be easily pressed by mistake in mobiles.
Song "space" from Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1 by @gruber_music. See https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29008

This game is heavily inspired by a minigame from Pureya by Majorariatto Studios (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1268960/pureya/). It's an endless runner with some not very original game mechanics but fun! Let me know your comments and enjoy!
Edit: I've beaten my previous highscore xD, and now it is 794, what's yours?
Music Credits
Musical composition by Robby Duguay (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2619). So many thanks!