In order to stave off death by boredom and feel like I'm getting something productive done while stuck at home, I made a game! It's an 'educational' game about venn diagrams. Trust me, it's at least a little bit more fun than it sounds. A little. Big thanks to @gearfo for finding a way to draw venn diagrams! And one last note, don't look at the code. It's rather messy.
With circfill(), it's easily possible to draw circles everywhere, and even draw a circle with another circle cut out of it. But how would you draw the intersection of two circles, like the middle section on a venn diagram? I can't think of an easy way to do it. What I'm really looking for here is a way to shade arbitrary segments on an arbitrary venn diagram. Can anybody help?
Remember Bounceball Deluxe? That game that took the world by storm and unexpectedly got millions of downloads and worldwide critical acclaim? No? Weird. Well, after making that and being instantly promoted to celebrity status, I didn't stop working, despite having enough riches to live off the game's success alone. No, in between the TV interviews, I was making a couple other games, just for fun. But
I made this game ages ago but just didn't publish it at the time. I think that's because I thought that it just wasn't polished enough, and besides, the world doesn't really need another snake game anyway. I... still think that, but my standards are now lower. So, yeah, this is just another snake game. It's got some different modes, at least! They're all pretty good (except maybe Janky mode, I don't know what I was thinking), but versus mode is the coolest in my opinion. It's a hardcore 1v1 snake battle to the death.
There are many carts on here that involve corruptions of existing games, but as far as I can tell this is something new: a game designed to corrupt itself from the start! Whether this makes for good gameplay is for you to decide. Spikes increase the rate of corruption, so you should probably avoid them. Go fast, and try to reach the end before the corruption takes over everything. You'll want to reset the cart if that happens. Good luck!
My first ever pico-8 game, which is of course based off the first tutorial in the first zine ("squashy"). Very predictable, I know. Just about the only thing which makes this one different from the hundreds of others is that the ball will occasionally turn orange and start obeying gravity. Oh, and the colour choices aren't quite as ugly, among other quality of life improvements. I also used Mozz's smoke tutorial from the same zine, and Pixel's "THICC TEXT" plugin. I think it turned out well!