I mourn the passing of @Xeonic's account in this board.
Just recently I noticed ALL of her (his) posts, even the very smart and intelligent ones written regarding programming and hardware were utterly deleted because - well, she (he) went thermonuclear.
Folks, we're here to help. If there is a problem, please, let us try to work out with exceptional communication, intelligently, sensibly, and with great forethought and compassion. Please let us not ever have this happen again ...

I can't speak for Zep or anyone else, but if someone uses a forum to post threatening remarks, which Xeonic did, then it's the duty of the moderators of that space to remove that person for the safety of other participants.
It's a paradox of tolerance. If you welcome people who endanger others, then you drive off those others. There are no technical contributions that one person can make that make it just to sacrifice others to them.

@packbat Paradox of tolerance, indeed. I got a 2-week suspension from public transportation for going nuclear like that recently. As of this post, I got a few more days left until November 2nd to ride the bus again. I get that Pico-8 has been slow as of late, but no need to go bonkers over it.
If you got a problem, try to stay calm and mature about it. If that doesn't work, maybe they should stay off the internet for a while. Take a breather, y'know.
Also, threatening to sue somebody over a lack of a mobile port? Not a good look actually.

Seems like the kind of person who goes through life complaining that everyone else is the problem, completely unaware that they are the only commonality, and unwilling to admit it

The ban from Pico8 was not an easy decision but multiple attempt to settled down all ended in flame.
Xeonic got banned from FC Discord.
A modus operandi was proposed using the BBS as a communication medium, to no avail.
There is nothing extraordinary happening on the Pico8 discord.
a member that can go ballistic at any moment is not manageable.

This stupid discussion has poisoned discord and now the bbs for months. It’s pure wasted energy. Nothing is gained by dw187 opening this thread, or totalrecall repeating wrong and false points.
Communities self-moderate to keep their environment happy.
Discord moderators are not lexaloffle.
Forum moderators are not lexaloffle.
Moderators gave chances then did the right thing by banning a person spewing negative messages.
Android support will come at some point.
I did not pretend to be a mod.
Xeonic admitted he did wrong but did not amend his behaviour.
Multiple people on discord and here have spent time to explain things, but you refuse to accept facts and you waste your energy and everyone’s time by harping on the same things forever, instead of making games or using another engine.

I'll be honest. I was frightened by what I saw. Xeonic really getting angry and using curse words.
I know Xeonic asked me, "Do you think it's fair ?"
To be truthful I don't know the story. I really don't. I don't know what happened that would cause all this. I mean I have Xeonic's posted messages, in depth, of what took place - her viewpoint.
Yet I did not want to take a side until I knew the whole story - and I knew that would not happen. It was not my position to judge without all the facts.
So, I can't give an answer to that question. I think Xeonic was hurting, obviously, and yet just from a neutral bystander standpoint it appeared a great deal self-inflicted.
That's my view on this.
I hope if Xeonic does appear in a new account, that they may be welcome into the community again, with open arms of friendship and camaraderie.
And Xeonic will do the same ...
Some things cannot be fixed in life. We are strongest when we can recognize this and move on to things we can change for the better.

So first, I'd like to point out that recklessly speculating about a person based on their posts goes against the literal interpretation of forum rules as stated (the part about responding respectfully even to inflammatory posts).
That said, I'm going to just address the base topic here, separate from the issue I willfully know nothing about. I think having the ideal of being willing to work things out is good. However, if the people with the power to do something about an issue aren't here, then no amount of compassion, intelligence, etc. means anything. Sometimes you just have to accept the reality in front of you.
What's more, this isn't even a unique issue in the realm of online discussion spaces. The idea to "not ever have this happen again" will prove flimsy if pico-8 becomes a hit on Steam and any amount of that community comes here.

I did my best to resolve this privately, and I don't think anything useful can be accomplished in this thread, so I'm locking it.
EDIT: suspended TotalRecall for being puppet account of Xeonic's, which means there are deleted posts in this thread not showing up at all, which might be confusing (I will improve this kind of thing for the next BBS update, but can't spend time on it right now).
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