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Cart #supahex1k_r2-0 | 2022-09-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Entry for the PICO-8 1k Jam, where only code is allowed (no sprites or audio) and compressed size is limited to 1024 bytes.

This is a demake of Super Hexagon. Controls are just left and right - avoid the walls for as long as possible! After game over, the game will reset after a short pause. High scores are saved.

Credit for the smallest triangle fill code goes to p01.

Revision 2: removed a remark (facepalm), made a small increase to the wall gaps, tweaked the game over screen to be quicker and wait for a button press, reduced flashing of timer a bit. 4 bytes free but can't really use them anywhere. Thanks for the feedback all.


Cool game, but I feel that the menu delay is so big and I cannot train myself to get more than 3 seconds of gameplay if I stay in the menu ~6 seconds. Anyways, this still seems the best entry I saw at this point xD

Another little suggestion: put a label image in the bbs cart, it gives the game a better looking and if you put it in the splore (I still didn't buy the 15 dollar pico-8 so I do't know exactly how it works and I can't claim it) much more people will try

Hi @WeeblBull. Superb game. Gold star. To make a title screen. Start your game from the beginning and press F7. That will save the current screen to the cart.

Then just re-save your cart as normal.

Suggest you have level EASY that runs half this speed though, maybe half score. Wow, I get a score of 2 and my eyes literally cannot follow the movements of the shrinking gates.

Incredibly original game for Pico-8. Kudos !

@biteco8, @dw817 thanks for the feedback both. I've added the cart label and have tweaked the game over screen to be quicker and wait for a button press.

There's more I would like to add but I've run out of bytes unless I remove sound or simplify the score. Primarily it would be making the game easier at the start and gradually get harder. Since this is a demake of an existing game I don't think I should expand beyond the 1024 bytes to make a complete copy so I'll keep it in constraints.


That's up to you, @WeeblBull. Personally I can see this game being a true and full cart w instructions, different levels of play, high-score, and maybe even a storyline to guide it.


@WeeblBull triangle fill in 1K? neat

I plugged a convex fill variant that I use in my game - it saves duplicate coordinates to call trifill, your cart is now down to 946b!
(it also fixes most of the edge artifacts - but introduce others, your call!!)

Cart #femasadepa-0 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

As a big fan of Super Hexagon (it is one of only a handful of games with a permanent install on both my phone and Steam library) I have to say, you really did a great job nailing the pacing and movement. I'd enjoy seeing this expanded into a full demake, if you have the inclination to do so.


Nice job on this, you captured the look and feel of the original game extremely well!


If you're interested in tiny triangle-drawing code, I have a little trifill function I made a while ago, just 87 tokens and about 170 characters. The downside is that it takes ~2x CPU vs. the leading trifill functions measured here in the thunderdome thread. I'm thinking I'll try it out in a tweetcart. ;)

Well done!
I'm another big fan of Super Hexagon, and have also developed a version for pico-8 I'll need to polish up and share. It's not a 1K cart though; very impressive!

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