Working on a pool game. Also includes Loop.
Added zoomed out mode to pool. Press button 2 to toggle zoom. Also added a check so that any ball that makes it outside the bounds of the table is considered to have gone in a pocket (because I think the most likely way to achieve that is by bouncing through a pocket in some strange way).

I think you should make balls and table smaller, so it would fit on one screen.

Yeah, I want to add a mode where you can view a zoomed-out table to get a better overview of what is going on.

It's looking really great. I have noticed that UP/DOWN arrows are not used, you can make them to scroll camera over the table, it would be pretty useful I think since you would see more details that in single-screen overview ;)

It is probably not obvious, but you can press X when placing the cue ball or aiming to switch into look around mode. Then up/down do move the camera.

Pretty slick! The movement and animation of the balls is really good!
I think I broke the game by aiming the cue ball at the corner pocket deliberately and letting fly. The ball appeared to fly off the table, and on the next player's turn it's just frozen and nothing can happen.
I notice you are using the colloquial rules for 8-ball and not the real ones >_>

Also on the list is finding a way to incorporate rule variants.

Oh I was only joking.. and I've never heard of Loop it looks wild.

Seriously impressive!
Takes me pack to Virtual Pool.
The only feature I'd like is being able to fast forward or skip to the point at which the balls stop moving.

How about adding "challenge" 1 player mode that would play similarly to the NES game called Lunar Ball?

It's a really cool game but there are occasional moments where I am reminded that it's really hard to tell precisely where you're aiming. Like, when I go for the break, I inevitably try to shoot straight upwards thinking the pool cue looks perfectly straight and the ball just goes to the left or right and completely fails.
EDIT: I was hitting too hard. :1

Really loving it ! A square version of the game could also be a super cool option! ( without camera movement, less balls)

Got a crash. I paused the web player then unpaused and it crashed, so I don't think it is you, but then again, I dunno...
It claimed BALL was nil value called in a couple of lines, but somehow I think that's probably not right since this was after I made about 3 shots. This could be one for Zep.

My first shot gave me ball was a nil value too. Because I sank the cue ball immediately. Ooops.
It might have to do with the ball the camera is tracking maybe?

I was modding this game and I think I actually found the nil bug
Unless I'm mistaken, there is a typo where something refers to "BALL" instead of the table "BALLS".
also here's the micro-game for the micro-game collab project:

This is really impressive. It's also a great way to kick back and relax. :o

Wow, this is so well made, that my Pico Snooker looks terrible and amateurish!
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