Pico Off Road is a racing game inspired by the classic Ironman Super Off Road. There are 5 car colors to choose from (equal by parameters), three tracks that can be played in both directions. Player can choose from two modes - single race or tournament. There is one "hidden" mode: single race with 0 opponents can be considered as a practice.
Menu controls
- Z = confirm
- X = back
Driving controls
- arrows = turning, throttle, reverse
- Z = nitro
- X = throttle (for controllers if you can't press left/right + forward at the same time)
Pico Off Road uses combination of 2D sprites, 3D height map and real-time rendered meshes (cars).

Heck yes, I used to love this game at the arcade! This is pretty sweet.

good starting point!
physic is solid 👌
couple of comments:
- put acceleration on a button, easier to play with mobile & gamepads
- acceleration is too linear/quick imho
- npc are on fire!
code wise, there is a good deal to optimize.
your 3d structure as a flat array of coords is actually not very fast for lua.
suggest plain vector3 tables for coords, makes face>vertex indexing a lot simpler AND faster.
A couple of functions can also be inlined.
Don’t overthink array allocation, no need to copy and transform as 2 different steps.
Good luck for the final steps!

Hi, thank you for suggestions!
I didn't optimize it yet. Most of that code is heavily influenced by debugging and looking into partial results. I need to reduce it by around 4-5KB from compressed size. Token count/char count is not a problem. From performance point of view it's good enough (90% of cpu at most), but I'll definitely try those vector3 tables.
By the way, acceleration is already mapped to forward and X buttons.

Thank you! Right now I'm trying to make a music. It's a big challenge since I've never ever in my life made any. So .. following very good youtube tutorials from @Gruber and reading some music theory to at least have a clue what he is talking about :-D

Version 2 uploaded:
- music and sounds added to the game
- AI difficulty settings
- tournament trophy screen (for first 3 places only :-) )
- some optimizations were made, more to come

First things first, love the 3d racer! second, I suck at this game on easy lol.

New to it but I had no idea Pico 8 could go this far! Daunting and inspiring!

Pico 8 is surprisingly powerful machine. Even Pico Off Road could be much better, there are unoptimized parts of code, map and picture compression could be better, etc. So I could add more graphics, maybe whole new track? I'm just not willing to spend another month doing that :-)

Unbelievably beautiful. My only critique is maybe some collusion sounds? Other than that it’s amazing

Thank you. I know that sounds and music is far from the best. Next time I'll try harder or ask for help :-)

It would be cool if there was a higher difficulty level. The hard mode is still kinda easy.
EDIT:And 5 minutes later I found out about Extreme difficulty. I was not paying attention at all.

I love this game! I was expecting to find it here since months but my old brain didn't want to help me reminding myself its title.

Super fun, and you captured the original gameplay so well! I loved this in the arcade with the analog wheel.
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