It's a random arcade game name generator -- press RIGHT ARROW to generate a new one! (LEFT ARROW goes back to previously created names.)
So in the game Anachronox, there was an arcade on the planet Hephaestus. I made a random arcade game name generator (for a sign in an arcade). It announced new games coming to the arcade, but just made up random silly ones. Every time you clicked on the sign, it made up a new one, just or silly fun.

Hope you enjoy it! Let me know if there are any (family-friendly) words you want added!
Updated: May 13, 2020 with typo fix.

"Zombie in the Traveler"
Let me guess, some oregon trail game in the zombie apocalpse? 🤣⁈

Yeah, the titles are whatever they inspire you to think... whether they make sense or not! :D :P

@thattomhall can we make games that we get from the name generator?
You could have a game jam with this where everyone gets a random name and builds a game with that name!

"Heroic Fight"
"Horrors Over the Hero"
Love It!
I would definitely play horrors over the hero!
Can you add the word "Banana" and "Mitacore"? that would get some pretty funny names! Like: "BANANA FIGHT"
P.S. My brother takes mitacore medicine!

Sure! Make away!
Yeah, I'm planning a jam! Maybe in May? I will add BANANA and make sure CORE is in there... Mitacore is not generic enough? These should sound like a game that happened or a parody of one.
(I added "Meta" and "Meat"... if that helps, and CORE is in there....)

Well, you can try to make that game -- maybe it is like that CRANK movie ... they need to complete their mission before they die from something....

Is "fast" and "furious" in there? you could make it so you could get "the fast and the furious"!

Fast is in there, will add furious if it isn't. (Cuz it can apply to other things)
Will post about the Jam all over the place!

This is great! Here are some I think could be fun little games:
Enchanted Hospital
Metal Insanity
Ultimate Swamp Assualt
Submarine Thunder
Jumpy War
Death Librarian
and my personal favorite:
Bullet Squad Go
(might have to make something for that one...)

Ooh, Jumpy War! That sounds like fun! So does Bullet Squad Go!

Jelly Trek
Hmmm... A game where you fly around in a spaceship as a blob of slime?

Going to announce a week-long game jam for RNDGAME games -- starts in a week probably!

I am almost done with Great Heroic Meadow Adventure! I just need to make the map!

I've probably spent too much time fiddling with this thing, but I've come across some real gems. Here are a few more, along with my ideas of what kinds of games they might be made into:
Mind Bullet: A shooter-like game in which you use telekinesis on your enemies (which may or may not include yaks).
Monkey Trigger: An intense shooter where you play as a monkey for some reason
Assassin Frogs IV: A parody of Assassin's Creed.
Unpredictable Vengeance: I guess you're being stalked by some nefarious forces who can attack at any time.
and my favorite of this round:
Battle Wolves: That's just awesome no matter the genre. (but if I had to pick I'm thinking either strategy/SRPG or brawler)

Went through a few titles to see what ideas they would spark in my mind. As others have noted, some good combinations came up.
My own version
Thanks for the ideas. :)

I'm having great fun on this game jam, some of the names it comes up with are brilliant.
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