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Cart #15379 | 2015-10-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Arrows - Movement
Z - Hold and release to make sounds. The longer it's held, the louder the sound
X - Move silently

This is a demake of our game Dark Echo (Steam, iOS, Android). You are trapped in a world of absolute darkness and can only see via visualized echolocation.

Known issues:

  • You may occasionally walk through a wall. If you get stuck, try and find the exit from outside of the level - bonus feature!

Updated to not be broken anymore in 0.1.2!



whoa!!! that was amazing!! <3

really cool mechanics and quite scary, lovely sound!!


Amazing and original!

I played the iOS app and it was really interesting, I didn't expect to see a demake though. Very cool. :L

Playing this with a keyboard really changes the feel of it, especially when I can't see my footsteps while moving silently.

Really cool, just counting my steps in my head while i walk silently.

Really well made! Nice work!

Awesome! I enjoyed this game very much! Thanks!

Verrrry cool. Loved it. The monsters were a great idea, loved when they went to where I was but I was already faaar away. ;)

Nice job, nice idea and nice demake :)

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but after 0.1.2 the game was a bit broken - I reset the palette back to normal at the start of each level, but something changed in 0.1.2 that prevented that from happening in the right order I guess?

Ah well, fixed now!

Nice game, I realy liked the original that was made on an ludum dare if I'm not mistaken.

nice... feel good :D

Awesome job, I love the actual Dark Echo game, and I'm surprised to see how well you managed to demake it in PICO-8.

Well done! Very atmospheric and creative, and an excellent use of a limited platform. I felt more creepiness and suspense than any other Pico8 game I've played so far.

This is rad! :D

Superb game for Halloween. Very creepy and edgy. Here's a little gold star to add amongst your already collection of 56. :D

I have mixed feelings about this game. I was confused at start, the music was scary but then I realised how smart it is.

That was excellent. Played all the way through. Great work.

i never escape ;-;

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