0h game version.
Post jam version:
Change log for 0.3:
-4 players!
-Nicer main menu
-You can setup the game any way you like! Each player can be assigned to: Player 1, Player 2, Easy AI, Medium AI, Hard AI or be turned off.
-Press X twice quick to quit to main menu.
Just wanted to let you know, that for us european folks, the day of the 0h game jam has come! Check this out: http://0hgame.eu. Basicly you have to make a game between 2am and 2am when the time changes tonight :)
I'm in, and will be using Pico8 :)
My take on the Ludum Dare #33 "You are the monster" theme. It's a tower defense game where you play as an evil deity stuck on Earth. Grow your limbs to exterminate those puny humans trying to kill you! Survive until 2500 A.D. to win.
There are 7 finished monster limbs / parts and 20 human units divided into 7 eras and 2 game modes.
Many things are broken, and performance isn't that great (damn you projectiles!). Needs audio and more art.
I plan to optimize and polish it later on.
ver 0.8 (15244 chars)
Controls: Left, Up, Right, Down to move. A + Direction: interaction without moving.
ver 0.7 (14903 chars)
ver 0.6 (15275 chars)
ver 0.51 (14441 chars)
ver 0.5 (14228 chars)
ver 0.4 (13327 chars)
ver 0.3 (12420 chars)
ver. 0.2 (11575 chars)
ver. 0.1 (6373 chars)
Hi everyone!
Many thanks to the creators of the most awesome, briliant thing since the wheel :)
Got hooked up on Thursday evening (thanks Rezoner ;)) and this is my work in progress on a clone of a very popular game from Atari / Commodore. Not all core features are implemented yet, but since I'm currently at 6.3k / 15.3k there is still plenty of room :)
There is no restart or menu so if you die, you need to restart the cart (I'll have the menu in 0.2, I promise :)).