No, not that one. Paterson's worms, which those of a certain age may have come across as Worms? (aka IQ) for the Atari 8-bits and C64.
Left and right to change the number of worms (up to 4), Z to randomize the ruleset again, and X to toggle fast-forward.

Heavily inspired by this
A Master System/Game Gear sound chip emulator in Pico8 using the PCM channel. Features 4 songs from SOR1&2 for the Game Gear (use left/right to select)
How it works:
VGM files are logs of register writes. I wrote a program to decode them, save what the reg settings were every 60th of a second, and RLE compress them into strings. The sound chip is basic enough to write a simple emulator for Pico8.
- Not really an audio guy, may still be glitches
- Looping only goes back to the start of the tune, rather than part-way-through as in some songs. Probably would need to decompress the songs to pico8 memory to do that, instead of my "clever" on-the-fly RLE decoding

There's been quite a bit of chat on the discord about bitplanes. So:
Unmangled source:
frame=0 function _init() poke(0x5f5f,0x10) pal(1,8,1) pal(2,11,1) pal(3,10,1) pal(4,12,1) pal(5,128+8,1) pal(6,128+11,1) pal(7,7,1) end function radfunc(off) --added 0.1 to avoid an unsightly blip at 1.0 return cos((off&0xff)/256+0.3)*10+20 end function xfunc(off) return 64+(30+10*sin(frame/600))*cos((off&0xff)/256+0.1) end function yfunc(off) return 64+(20+5*sin(frame/600))*cos((off&0xff)/256+0.2) end function _draw() cls() [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=82260#p) |

Something I stumbled across when looking for a way to compress an End-of-Game image for Impulse. Low on tokens (but heavily recursive, don't know if that's an issue for Pico8). May suit you more than anything RLE based if you're working with dithering-heavy images.
Press X to cycle pictures. The reported size is a bit misleading as it doesn't include the fixed-length "left" and "right" strings.
Images are:
- A messily converted picture of Bananaman
- An image from Bladerunner (by far the worst compressed, and anything more fancy than simple ordered dithering made it worse)
- The Utah teapot
- Wizball (was interested to see what it made of the C64's 2x1 pixels)
Remake of Thrust, an old C64 game (although I first came across it on the school BBC Micros). The first game I ever saw that had anything approaching "proper" physics, I owe it a lot.
Z shoots
X fuel scoop/tractor beam/shield (burns fuel)
Up to thrust, L/R to rotate

-Grab the pod using your tractor beam when you're close enough and escape the level
-Active your fuel scoop (X) when near fuel to pick it up
-X also activates a shield, but it burns up fuel
-Shoot the reactor (but not too much...) to temporarily disable the turrets
-Or just shoot the turrets
-Later level have switches. Shoot them, too