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It's been a while since I've posted last, but life has been hectic. Amidst all the chaos, I've managed to find some time to work on my next core mechanic: anxiety!

How the Anxiety Mechanic Works

The anxiety mechanic is easy to understand: get within range of a source of anxiety, and it will make your meter rise! Staying away from all sources of anxiety will lower your anxiety over time, affected by the internal 'courage' value. If your meter reaches the maximum, the anxiety source will push the player away from itself, becoming an obstacle to movement.

This simple-ish mechanic allows for some interesting interactions between two competing sources of anxiety pushing the player around, puzzle-stealthing, and more. Also, inverting the math of anx_push can make it pull instead, adding a second layer of interactivity with the same mechanic.


The mechanic itself uses a line created between the player and the anxiety source to form the vector that will be followed when pushed by the anxiety source. It took some experimentation to learn how to use sin(), cos(), and friends to get what I was aiming for, but the result was fun!


The meter was another story. In my engine, it's basically a game object that copies the anxiety stats of the player object every frame, then the draw routine handles the visual portion. I find it easier to reason about, despite the inflation in token count. It proved to be challenging to build based on a few sprites, but in the end the effect was great, I think. I have always wanted to build a graphical HUD element that looked good, and this was the first I've pulled off that really feels nice. The style itself is copied from the first three Mega Man X games, but I distinguished it enough to be a riff instead of a rip.

There were a number of other designs I considered:

In the end, the MMX-styled one was too cool, and simple enough to implement in a realistic amount of time. The lower left was my favorite, but I didn't feel like going through the trouble of coding it.

So I iterated for a while:

And made sure it looked good when it was shorter.


So it's great that it was animating correctly, palette swapping, and even pushing! But it was missing something. What conveys anxiety? Usually, it's nervousness or being jittery. Perfect! Let's make the meter shake around! I hooked up rand() to 4 different single-pixel shaking routines, and hooked it up to a coroutine that only acts when the meter is maxed. Simple enough to get the job done, and has enough variance to seem random instead of a looping animation.

If I were to add anything else to this, it would be something silly or cute, like sweat drop particles being dispersed every few frames, to really sell the feeling.


Once the meter itself worked, and drew in 2 pixel increments like Mega Man X, I started thinking about usability.

In the Mega Man X games, the HUD exists on a layer above the mid-ground sprites where collision happens. I didn't get around to doing layer-based drawing, so I had a few drawing problems. Even without these (minor) issues, however, I don't like when the HUD is covering the action. I like HUDs that are smart, and stay out of the way.

So then, the meter needed to get out of the way. If the player is too far to the left or right side of the screen, the meter will simply switch sides.

Try it Out!

Cart #anxiety_mmx-0 | 2022-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


There is still some small polish needed on the meter's behavior -- particularly, it just needs a smooth screen-edge-swapping animation -- but the mechanic itself is ready for more experimentation and level design. I just wanted to share.

For the record, the pink slime has a weaker push, so his influence can be fought via movement. The blue one's is stronger, and you can only pass by him from the upper right to the lower left! This is a proof-of-concept cartridge, so there are no goals or anything fancy. Just a sign of things to come.

NB: There are functions and objects not used in the cartridge that were #included. Anything produced from this particular cartridge should be made with that in mind and clean up where appropriate.

Let me know what you think!

P#120614 2022-11-13 19:27

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I was putting together a Minecraft-themed intro for my Twitch streams a while back. It all started when I made a silly grass block in PICO-8. Then I thought, "Hey, couldn't I just arrange this block into an array and create art with it?" Sure enough:

Cart #wogeweduyi-0 | 2022-04-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Pretty basic, right? Not bad, gets the job done. Scrolls and shows whatever you put into a 2-D array, with the sprite ID as data and 0 always meaning "empty". Cool. That led me to think about "what if I made an actual 3-D ish Minecraft scene with this?" The map system could be useful for isometric games, too.

Putting it together was pretty easy, aside from the rendering math. You have to get your offsets just right when dealing with isometric, or you can get some super weird results. You also need to structure your data in a way that ensures the drawing order layers correctly without separating things into discrete layers. Thankfully, an isometric map format works best from the bottom, top left tile. Generally the top-most tile of the bottom layer. After tinkering around for a while, I discovered the correct offsets, verified through various tricks, and set out to make some fancier "tiles" for lack of a better word. I think it came out decent:

Cart #ripuguzune-0 | 2022-04-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Some palette rearrangement is going on to produce a better look, but I'm pleased with the assets I put together to test how expressive the mapping can be.

If you use it for anything, please let me know! I won't be building on this idea but it's a fun one.

P#111064 2022-04-29 17:24

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I've recently finished writing a page on my personal wiki about coroutines, and quick examples on how to make the most of them. I would appreciate any feedback people have, including misconceptions I have regarding the execution model. Most of my PICO-8 work as of late has been figuring out how to create easy animation engines that are also expressive and flexible. I think I have the functionality down; now comes the hard part of nailing coroutine and data structure design for complex animations!

I'd love to read what you guys think of it.


Thanks for reading!

P#106853 2022-02-13 19:40

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Hi there, fellow PICO-8 lovers. Today I want to share something I've been working on a little bit here and there throughout the year, and ask for a little feedback.

Cart #tojenanoja-0 | 2021-10-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My endgoal for this text box is to be able to make decisions (2- or 3- options at most) and to add extra features, such as Zelda-like highlighting, chaining to another textbox (for conversation), and a page-break like feature to pace which lines get scrolled in. So far, I have a custom inset and outset animation with sound, per-letter sfx, a throbbing button indicator to advance, and clean removal from the objlist.

It's taken me quite a bit of trial and error to pull this off. If you know of ways to simplify my code while supporting all of the same features, please let me know!

The textbox is implemented in coroutines that run in parallel until certain conditions are met. This allows one to think of the phases of the textbox in terms of a Gannt chart.

This is the first time I've gotten something together that feels almost ready for production, so any tips or feedback are appreciated!

P#98479 2021-10-10 23:04

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It took me a while to update to PICO-8 0.2.1b, so when I upgraded, I took the opportunity to play around with the pattern feature implemented a while ago. I also wanted to try out the new oval tools. The result is this little guy. I wanted to draw with only shape drawing tools, and used a simple table with some runtime values. It could probably be cleaned up, but I think it's a cute enough demo to learn a few new features. I enjoyed figuring out how to draw a bubble without using the pixel editor.

Cart #tamemanize-0 | 2021-01-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

If there are any style or logic improvement suggestions, please share them! The screen edge collision logic isn't terribly good, so I know that needs work.

P#86729 2021-01-23 23:52