Impressive 3D effect for such a small amount of code.
It looks like you're precomputing the sphere in sprite memory, then using palette cycling to make it appear to rotate.. right?

And in tweetcart form(but without sound, and plotting directly rather than pallete trickery)
r=24q=576 f=0m=.5n=.87 d=1g=0 ::_:: flip()cls(1)for x=-r,r do for y=-r,r do if x*x+y*y<q then i=n*x+m*y j=n*y-m*x w=sqrt(q-j*j)/2 c=i%w*8/w if(j\6%2==0)c^^=4 c=(c+f)%8\4+7 pset(x+r+f,y+r+70-60*abs(sin(g/70)),c) end end end f+=d g+=1if(f%79==0)d=-d goto _ |
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