Santa can't breathe on Mars (and he's kind of freaking out about it). In this game, play as Santa as you try to deliver presents to generate enough Christmas Spirit to sustain your lifeforce as you slowly suffocate on Mars. It's easy to go around delivering presents house-to-house at first, but if you ignore a house for too long, its residents' sadness warps the landscape around them. Think carefully about which houses you want to deliver to first.
Arrow keys -> move Santa
Z key -> deliver present
Team Lemondrop is:
Janelynn Camingue
Chijike Dikeogu
Natasha Ratzlaff
Rutul Thakkar
Mitchell F. Wolfe
(Version 1.0.2 update)
-Fixed game crashing bug

I built this game on top of the Jelpi demo to participate in the #PickMePhoebee contest that Playtonic held to celebrate their upcoming game, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. The mechanics of this game were designed to mirror that of Impossible Lair on a much smaller scale. Yooka and Laylee can jump (with Z), double jump, roll (with x), jump out of rolls in midair, collect Quills, defeat Meanions, and rescue members of the Beetalion to help them complete the Impossible Lair.
I originally intended to change a lot more of the original Jelpi demo. I ended up keeping much of the spritework and the music. I might come back later to change the music to a Yooka-Laylee track and change the trees, shrubery, and mountains into more Yooka-apporiate things.

Have fun sailing around my little map. If you go outside of my map's bounds, you'll enter the Devil's Shroud. It doesn't do anything at the moment, so just turn back around. You must have wind in your sails to move, so watch which direction the clouds are moving and adjust the sails accordingly. Steering can only be done in Steering Mode. Looking at the map can only be done in Map Mode. Adjusting the anchor can only be done in Anchor Mode. You get it. Hold Z and use the radial to change modes.
This is a game I've been working on for a bit. It's a demake of Rare's Sea of Thieves. Just like in Sea of Thieves, you don't have direct control over the boat. Instead, you must manipulate the sails' direction and position, the anchor, the steering wheel, and the map. This is a very early build that I've uploaded just to have the game out there. I'd be interested in collaborating in order to finish this project if there are any interested developers out there.
Things I'd like to add:
Ship health: If the ship crashes against an island, sails in the Devil's Shroud for too long, or takes a cannon blast, water should start to fill up the lower deck. I'd like to have this be illustrated by a cross-section of the ship appearing in the lower-left corner with the water level steadily rising. One of the control functions will be boarding these holes and bailing out the water, just like in the full Sea of Thieves game.
AI enemy ships: Smaller, more simplified enemy ships should be shooting cannonballs at the player's ship. They should be able to be shot down by the player's cannons, which also need to be added to the game.
- Quest: The main objective of the game is to check the map and follow the directions to whatever location is indicated. Once there, one of the ship's undead crew will be deployed to that island and can finally rest in peace. Some of the crew will indicate which island they want to go to by giving a changing distance from that island. Others will display an image of the whole map and have a small x over the island in question. This process must be repeated 10 times before all the crew is taken care of and the ship itself can finally rest at the bottom of the ocean, the end state of the game. Much of this code is actually already implemented in the cartridge, but none of it is playable yet. For now, you can cycle through the skeleton crew on the map screen by going to deploy mode, deploying a pirate, and then checking the map screen again.

Fixed a small text alignment error.
Party Jam!! is a two-player anti-fighting game. The prompt of the jam I made this for was "genre without mechanic," so I made a fighting game where you can't hit your opponent. You play as Juan and Tu, the last two dancers in a dance marathon. If you don't perform a dance move for too long, you'll be disqualified. If you do perform a dance move, but you hit your opponent in the process, you'll also be disqualified. Be careful to only dance when you don't think your opponent will rush you and don't [b]PARTY FOUL!!