Ahoy there
Has anyone else had issue connecting to BBS while browsing in Splore?
It seems that clicking 'update' just times out in any section, but clicking on a game in the list, that i have not clicked on before, seems to download the cart and work.
I am using the latest build on a Raspberry Pi Zero, it seemed to work ok over christmas

Not sure if sale threads are allowed. @zep feel free to delete this if I have over stepped.
I'm selling my TinyPi prototype to fund future development works. Apologies for the shameless plugging
Please bid or share :D

this is mainly aimed @ zep, but if anyone else can help feel free
I have been playing with portable stuff, and decided to try and make a device using a 320x240 tft screen.
now pico8 is 128x128, so it technically wouldnt scale properly, but i was trying to make it fill more of the screen.
It currently sits in its 128x128 box in the centre of the screen

so i checked the manual, and found the height and width settings. The problem is, they are being ignored :(
can anyone see anything wrong with this?

Im trying to wring as much performance out of my TinyPi project which is running Pico-8 https://twitter.com/Pi0CKET
and i notice WiringPi is actually built into the RaspberyPi build. Looking at the documentation, the only mention i can find about it, is for allowing a cartridge to access the GPIO to flash lights etc, which is pretty kool!!
Is there any ability to use WiringPi to use the GPIO as input? This would mean that i could remove another external process (adafruit retrogame) and mean faster running (hopefully) :)