Hi All
PICO-8 0.2.4b is now up on lexaloffle, Humble, itch.io, and for PocketCHIP.
This is mostly a bug-fixing update; you can see the main 0.2.4 change notes in the 0.2.4 thread.
There are a few handy editor features though; here's a demo of setting animation loops: press l to start and end, and then -,+ or q,w or a,z (for azerty keyboards) to switch frames. This also works at different sprite selection sizes (shift-click and drag a selection from the spritesheet). This gif also shows using ctrl-b to "paste big" multiple times.

Full 0.2.4b changelog:
Added: l in sprite sheet navigator to set loop start / end points (then q,w or a,z to navigate)
Added: ctrl-b in gfx editor to paste 2x2 original size ("paste big")
Added: DEL / backspace to clear selected region in gfx / map editors, and ctrl-x to cut
Added: aggressive_backups option in config.txt (off by default)
Added: transform_screen in config.txt to globally rotate / flip the video output
Added: stat(57) (boolean) true when music triggered by music() is playing or about to start
Changed: memset() faster than using peek4/poke4; now 2 cycles per byte at 8MHz (was 4)
Changed: "running at < 30fps" warning on boot now only for raspi builds, and w/ higher tolerance
Changed: Controller inputs are accepted even when PICO-8 is not the foreground application
Changed: Map can be located at 0x1000 .. 0x2f00 using poke(0x5f56, 0x10) .. poke(0x5f56,0x2f)
Changed: Dotty text mode is now "\^=" ("Stripey") instead of "\^." // #gunayawuho #klax #impossible
Fixed: (not confirmed) crash causing 0-byte .p8 when audio mixer is called during save / run
Fixed: preprocessor not counting comments as white space; should allow: ".. end--[[]]if .."
Fixed: pal(nil) behaving the same way as pal(0); should be same as pal() // broke #rtype-2
Fixed: note entry in sfx tracker is silent after running cartridge until pressing space to playback
Fixed: sub("abc", 4, 4) returns "c" (regression in 0.2.4)
Fixed: SPLORE cart update prompt does not appear when server replies too quickly (race condition)
Fixed: SPLORE cart update prompt only checks version once per session (can't refresh until it shows up)
Fixed: EXPORT command does not flatten includes when exporting to .p8.png / .p8.rom format
Fixed: EXPORT command discards source code changes since last run or load
Fixed: printing a one-off glyph using "\^." terminates the whole string when last byte is a zero
Fixed: Crash when loading a cart with fewer tabs, then creating a new tab and pasting.
Fixed: . command runs at 30fps even for a 60fps cart (-> _update60 is called twice, _draw once)
Fixed: Custom menu items become broken after suspending a cart, entering a lua command, and then resuming
Fixed: memset() with a non-zero value in shared memory region (0x1000..0x1fff) causes garbage corresponding mget() values
Fixed: web player/exports: ctrl-r causes erroneous "external changes reloaded" message and code corruption

Oooh! so looking forward to the looping!
Great thing to come home to (and also is that problem fixed? will have to see if it comes up again or not :o )

thanks for the bugfixes!
> Changed: memset() faster than using peek4/poke4; now 2 cycles per byte at 8MHz (was 4)
:D :D

NEW Pico-8 ! Finally that "Running <30fps" nonsense is gone - at least for me.

Still hoping for optionally appearing GRID in Sprite editor at some point, @zep. :)

@zep, Does the Dotty text mode change mean we have to re-upload updated cart or you already fixed them automatically? I used it both in Klax and rtype. Anyway, great release once again.

I think it means that when using the font control code for dotty, the result will look different. The note mentions klax, which I suppose means that it looks good for it?

@merwok Actually those cart ids do mean "broken by change"! I grepped through everything and only found 3 carts that use this feature, so I decided to stick with the new glyph command.
@TheRoboZ Sorry I keep breaking your carts -- thanks for using the cutting edge features! I did a stealth patch to #klax just now -- the live version is now klax-2 with the "\^."'s removed and uses "\^=" instead. rtype-2 should not be affected by this as it uses the pinball command ("\^p") which still works as-is.
@dw817: it's wish-listed!
@SmellyFishstiks: Not sure yet, but I've made some thread safety improvements 0.2.4b -- see: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=44529

There are already Windows, Linux, Raspberry PI, and for some reason I can't use them.
Is it possible to develop an
Android platform.

No, phone apps are harder to make than regular programs, so they are planned on the roadmap for version 1.0 only. We may also get a web-based version that works in browser without installing anything!
> for some reason I can't use them
Can you make a thread to help you there (or come on the discord server)?
I run pico8 on debian and raspberry pi, I can help.

Thank you, my English is not very good, where is the disharmony server. How do I enter? For me, pico8 is enough
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