You can get downloadable versions of Terra and the character editor which are usable offline from Terra's itch.io page!
Also, a member of the community has started work on a Fandom Wiki and Discord server.
I will contribute to these when I am available to do so.
A tiny fanmade demake of Terraria in PICO-8!
If you haven't already, please consider getting the original game. This is only a small portion of what Terraria has to offer!
And if you enjoy this demake, please consider supporting me by buying one of my other games over on itch.io: https://pixelshock.itch.io/
If you would like to play with another person, there is an (outdated) multiplayer version available here!
Just keep in mind that this multiplayer version does lack saving functionality, and a few changes from more recent updates.
How to play?
- A large map of 256x128 tiles, stored using the extended memory.
- Various biomes: Forest, Jungle, Corruption, Underground, Caverns, and Underground Jungle.
- 4 bosses: King Slime, Eye of Cthulhu, Ocram, and Plantera. (The Eye of Cthulhu and Ocram are night bosses and therefore can only be fought at night time)
- Many enemies for each biome and underground, with most having multiple variants. (9 types, with 25 variations in total)
- Fancy world generation with spaghetti caves.
- Mining and crafting.
- Various melee and ranged weapons. Ranged weapons automatically aim towards the nearest visible target, prioritising bosses.
- A basic palette fade lighting system, with a day-night cycle.
- Quite a few progression/recipe changes due to space limitations, details in the [Terra Wiki] section
- A separate character creator cartridge that is completely optional. (You don't lose any content with just the game cart)
- Optional keyboard + mouse controls!
- Life Crystals and Shadow Orbs to smash!
How to save your worlds and players:
Terra Wiki
A Terra Wiki is being built on Fandom.
There is also an itch.io thread that you can refer to in the meantime:
The history of Terra!
- Using tline sprite rotation function from TheRoboZ and distance function from Freds72.
- Music by @jo560hs.
- @Sup3rAw3som3Gam3r helped with multiple ideas and a few optimisations.
- Everyone who has played and found bugs for me to fix!

I can't place the background walls anywhere. Do they work or am I just doing it wrong?

wow!!! this is a very fabulous demake. the sprites are nice, the lighting system is nice, and the mouseless control scheme is very elegant.

Great demake, I love playing this and I really want to get back into terraria again. If you’d like any help with music I’m more than willing to make a few covers of the songs in the game. Just let me know how much space you have and I’ll see what I can do! Message me on discord at ScrubSandwich128#7190 if you’re interested

How was this even made?! I love it so much and it's all in one cart! Can't wait for the second ver!

v1.1 Update main changes:
- Fixed walls not being blocks
- Moved selected item text above player's head to be more obvious
- Added wooden door, grey brick, and red brick
- Made ranged attacks always aim towards bosses if they're alive and in line of sight
- Reduced stats of bosses slightly due to lack of armour/accessories
- Reduced gravity effect on arrows and increased their velocity slightly
- Added dropped health pickups from enemies and the Eye Of Cthulhu's servants
- Made respawning happen when the player presses a button instead of after a timer
Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.


2 small bugs: I can't place on walls or destroy them. P.S. This game is amazing! I now can save some money and play it for free! Thanks.

@ Agent Tom
This gif is slightly outdated, but it's basically the same

@cubee Yo even the guns are here! You really outdid yourself with this cart? Is there even still tokens left to make more?! (The second phase literally looks so cool I kinda prefer the game in the pico 8 res)

use the pickaxe. platforms are a little bit harder, you can fall partially through them and then dig normally to break the one in front of you

you know this game made remember why games have spawncaps, this feels like master mode on steroids

Here's my progress so far. (I also beat the king slime, got a full iron tools, and a gold bow and silver sword.)

if a could add one feature to his game, i would add a option to delete itens, cause managing inventory here is a mess

i updated it, that should be fixed now. what item were you using when it crashed?

you can try running PICO-8 with the "allow future versions" flag via command line:
-accept_future 1 |
it may not work properly depending on which version of PICO-8 you have though

Ok, the issue was the tiny eyes that the Eye of Cthulhu spawns, I didn't enter the right format for the heart item they drop.
Next update should fix it properly.

v1.2 Update main changes:
- Fixed the Eye of Cthulhu servants' drops (for real this time)
- Made bosses able to spawn even if the mob cap is reached
- Modified corruption generation (it does usually take longer, but i needed to save tokens)
- Added trash slot, trash selected item with ❎ and recover trashed item with ➡️
Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

what is the secret boss, i can't seem to make it spawn, what is the use of sting and rotten pieces
edit:i've managed to spawn the secret boss, but i stil don't know what the stings do, anyway here's my character after beating 2 bosses

Every once in a while a cart comes along that just blows your mind and this has gotta be one of them for me. Fantastic work!

@Agent tom, if you read my post very carefuly you can see some hints of how to spawn the secret boss, as for what the boss is let's say he's got a kind of soul to it

@prismo18 I slightly remember that boss... Holy cow it looked cooler than I remembered. (I somewhat thought it would be the eater or worlds at first.)

great game but everytime I get far it just stops like ill have built some stuff beat 2 bosses and then it just stops and sits there for a while and theres a loading thing but it still just sits there and i have to restart

interesting. i'll see if i can figure out what's causing that

odd Error that raises more questions,
Oh wait it does that if don't add in the hashmap? or bigger than the hashmap?
Was confused, hadn't seen that terminology "position" since it's almost always "index"

I managed to freeze the game like that by hitting a tree with a hammer. Not sure if that's what you did but i've fixed that for the next update

v1.2.1 Update main changes:
- Fixed grey and red bricks dropping barriers
- Fixed crash when placing a picked up item into an empty inventory
- Demonite bars now need a furnace to craft
- Reverted a token saving change that broke surface cave generation. Now you shouldn't spawn in a rectangular hole in the ground anymore (8186 tokens)
- Doors now break when the tile below them is broken
- Made the secret boss bigger and added its second phase sprites
- Fixed a bug where hitting a tree with a hammer caused the game to freeze. Caused by a leftover sprite flag from early on in development.
- Added sound effect for magic mirror (8166 tokens)
Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

@lauraf you can't make a musket you need to smash orbs as for the musket balls you make them with iron

@cubee i can't believe you put so much garbage in the orb pool, like red brick suspicious looking eye, nothing, shadebow

@prismo18 dude. First of all, the eye summons a boss, you need to make arrows for the bow, and bricks are good building materials. I think it's broken because I have gotten different items such as the magic mirror or a musket.

yeah it was broken, i was increasing the orb counter when ANY wall tile was broken instead of just shadow orbs. They should be fixed now
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