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Cart #polarpanic-0 | 2019-11-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's my entry for the Pico-8 advent calendar 2019:


  • Stay alive in the arctic while climate change destroys your habitat!
  • Eat fish to keep your hunger down or you will starve!
  • Stay away from trash and don't fall into the water.


⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️ - jump between floes

That's all there is to it really!
Every now and then disaster strikes which will make it harder to stay alive.
Do your best and good luck!


Design/Art/Code: Johan Peitz (@johanpeitz)
Music/Sound: Chris Donnelly (@gruber_music)



so stressful. so cute. so stressful. so cute. arrrghhhhh!

I love this game. It's so polished and stressful to play in a fantastic way. 😆

Wow ! Nice, this is fun and gameplay is good :)

So far my high score is 41 seconds. If I can only make it to a minute...


Ah ! I survived 52-seconds.

What's the secret to a high-score ? Don't worry so much about the fish as your footing. Always see a clear path to where you are standing and will stand seconds from now.

Sacrifice eating an oil popsicile if it will save your footing.

Nice game ! Definitely requires the brain. Star for you, @johanp.

Thanks everyone, glad to hear you like it.

I just made it to 86s. Never seen anything past 100, can it be done? There is probably a series of events that are more favourable than others.

Hey @johanp. I went onto ArcadePreHAcks and I saw that your game has been uploaded with out your permission. Much love, Rimuru.

Nice job.
Survived in 96 seconds.
That plastic was so sad especially for food substitution when no fish to eat.

Over 100 is possible. Most deaths are preventable, even that far into the game.

Amazing game!!! Ran into a lil crash this evenin on 0.2.0c, see ss

You see this is bc there was nowhere to escape so i had no choice but to die

I love it!

i learned a valuable lesson. death is inevitable, so you either die asap or live a bit longer to ask your crush out on a date. memento mori

a thingy happened

Hello johanp
I love Polar Panic and would like to put a windows exe version on my arcade cabinet. If I register/buy Pico-8, would I be able to create an "exe" myself? If not, can you please please help. I think Polar Panic will look great on my Arcade Cabinet.
Thanking you, Hitesh


@HiteshPujara Yes you can!
Once in pico8
download it and export it like so:


Thank you Johan.
I purchased Pico-8 and Polar Panic is now on my Arcade Cabinet.
I will post a video on youtube later.
If you want any "game tester", I'd love to help.
Regards, Hitesh


hello Johan again

A massive thank you from me. Polar Panic (& Pico-8) has been a godsend to me as I recover from a major operation.

I have been look at your code and learning so so much but most of it is beyond me as it is all so clever.

Quick question : Is there one line of code I can put in so that the score increases by "1" every time you eat a fish? Make it more arcade like.

Thanks once again...


Like frogger, but more... sideways. Pretty good game btw!

Pretty good game


decent game... really hard! interesting concept & storyline

Hi Johan, I just discovered Pico8 this year, I've put Polar panic in my PC for couch gaming and my daughter loves it! This is my favorite pico8 game Thank you!

@Kess0 - happy to hear - thanks!


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