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Cart #supercontrahot-0 | 2019-11-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • arrow keys: movement
  • z: jumping
  • x: shooting

Time slows down drastically when not moving, use that strategically against the enemy.

I had plans to make more levels but I ran out of time (no surprises there). Hopefully I can make more in the near future.

Any feedback is appreciated.



Pretty good, but if it's CONTRA ... where are the bad guy soldiers and hovercrates with power-ups ?



Neat idea, but the enemy spam really hurts this. Gives me flashbacks of mario maker


Awesome job! I love it


Love the style.


Very well done and fun to play!

Main gripe is on on the control scheme - something like not able to switch gun direction fast enough (I admit, it has been many years since I last played Contra on Amstrad :) )

@All thanks for the feedback, guys!

@dw817: I wanted to keep the main mechanic simple (single-weapon, use bullet-time effectively), but maybe in the future I could expand on the concept.

@first151: I tried to add a lot of enemies to encourage using bullet-time while still keeping them one-hit-kills. I might tune this a bit in the future though.

@freds72: Thanks. I agree the slow aiming takes a bit getting used to, but I really wanted to have more than 8-way shooting. The idea is taken from the arcade version of Super Contra.

The bullet time mechanic is a nice idea, though the controls do take some getting used to, but once it clicks, you do find a rhythm. Anyway, I did a video about this here:


The enemy spam is a bit of a mess but its one hell of a good game!

Hey @picoter8. I went onto ArcadePreHacks and I saw that your game has been uploaded with out your permission. Much love, Rimuru.

Bloody good fun! Fast paced shooter with easy controls and a little twist every now and then!

Woah! Not going to lie, first attempt I hated this but I didn't actually realise you could move the gun and turn around. After reading this page and going back for another go, I loved it!!! Please add more if you can.


please do the second chapter!!!!


nice game

Love it. This is really cool, and I appreciate the color filters.

Could we get more?

Only finished this today after having first played it a while back and what a lovely little game. This is awesome! I end up feeling that the final boss is a bit underwhelming in terms of challenge, but it's perfect for a first level :)

Keep up the great work!

this is seriously cool ngl ps i play superhot

Very fun! Thank you!

super cool - sorta like a superhot sidescroller


Bru it's my favorite pico-8 game, not kidding. It's visually stunning and has this 'no backlight' minimalist look which I really like. I just found out about it since I only recently got ky hands on MMP and the native wrapper. Its also a nice counterpart to the Play.date games that use this monochrom layers & patterns limitation to the max...

To summerize:
-love the slow/speeding of time (in general games that make use of thus feature I find interesting because time somehow has these different flows)
-love the super flatness - and the way explosions shake the whole environment
-neat how bubble aura acts as shield sometimes, or floater around
-love the dense messy opponents, it's very boring to have the game clean, bringing these linear art contour make it more similar to alternative comic strips

This is what I miss on pico-8 - more strips and comics like games - or more interactive mini comics in Lua like the play.date one https://cadin.github.io/panels/

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