So I dug up this old bootleg PICO-8 multicart I had. I honestly can't remember where I got it. It says it has 24 games on it, but really it's more like 10 or so? A lot of the games are just the same ones repeated with different names, and a lot of the games aren't labelled correctly. Also, don't select the "Janitor Man" cart, it'll just display a bunch of garbage.

I guess the question is, who made the bootleg cart ? Hopefully they aren't trying to sell this as a multi-cart game in STEAM or something ...

interesting that an "old" multicart had mai chans sweet buns(a relatively new cart post in its code)

I feel like the joke here is being lost on a lot of people.

Reading that description got me in the old-school video-game creepy pasta mood haha, so cool

Yeah, you find these at flea markets all the time.
Usually they're slightly weird carts that don't quite fit into your Pico8 unless you really force them, but if you can't afford many games, they're a good deal. (Even if they never have as many games as they claim.)
I'm surprised the cartridge label doesn't have Pikachu on it.

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