Hi everyone,
New to all this Pico-8 party, a little late, a little lost. I will be out in the woods (metaphorically) for a while, with no internet access or very occasional one. I would like to experiment with Pico-8 in the meantime. How do I secure resources for offline development?
Webpage tutorials - I can save them to PDF, take them with me. Plus Picozines #1-#4 and I should be good.
Cartridges - if I understand correctly, I should just save PNG files, right? And I can peek at the code inside?
Any other resources - for pixel art tracing and writing code in slightly less pixelly font. Any recommendations?
Also, while I am at it: the structure of this forum (BBS?) is a little confusing to me. If I am asking in the wrong section, please move it to correct one.

You will need to purchase Pico-8 if you have not already.
It comes equipped with a thorough introduction and start into Pico-8 itself.
You can also find a comprehensive fanbase of information HERE:
And an instructional guide HERE:
The manual can be found HERE:
To purchase Picoo-8, go HERE:
Hope to see more of you in the community, Barts !

Cartridges: Yes, you can save the PNG files and open them in PICO-8 to look at the code. If you want to edit them in other editors, save them as .p8 files from PICO-8 and you can do whatever you want with them.
Other resources: I use Aseprite for pixel art and animation, and Atom for writing code. Here are some tips for PICO-8 in Atom. There are plugins (for syntax highlighting and other stuff) for most major editors/IDEs.
Check out the Awesome PICO-8 list for more resources and tutorials.

A copy of the manual is included next to the PICO-8 executable, that's all you really need to get started. I would recommend getting a text editor if you find the built-in one annoying.
The cheat sheet site that dw817 posted is really handy too.
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